Celesq® AttorneysEd Center Announces July-August CLE Addressing Important Legal Developments and More for Attorneys
New York, NY, June 30, 2011 --(PR.com)-- With new U.S. Supreme Court decisions in intellectual property law and securities litigation, new Ethics rules for lawyers, federal and state developments affecting employment law, employee benefits and executive compensation, taxation, and more, Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following CLE web casts for July and August 2011:
Supreme Court Intellectual Property Review: 2010-2011 Term, from the Celesq®-West LegalEdcenter IP Master Series (2142IP)
July 21, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Anthony Lo Cicero of Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP discusses the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in i4i v. Microsoft, Global-Tech v. DEB, Costco v. Omega, and Stanford v. Roche, and their likely impact on IP practitioners and companies alike.
Securities Cases in the Supreme Court: A Review of the 2010-2011 Term and a Look at the Next (2137)
July 26, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Tom Gorman of Dorsey & Whitney LLP explores the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Matrixx Initiatives (materiality), Halliburton (loss causation and class certification), and Janus Capital (primary liability) on securities litigation going forward, and also looks forward to cases the Court may consider in the next term.
New Lawyer Advertising Rules in New York State: Ethical Challenges and Practical Responses (2149)
August 2, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this Ethics program especially for New York attorneys, Steve Bennett of Jones Day discusses the recently-enacted amendments to the New York rules that deal with lawyer advertising, the history and background of these new rules, and the practical issues involved in adhering to them.
Executive Compensation Requirements under Dodd-Frank: What is Coming? (2134)
August 10, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Dodd-Frank imposes significant changes on public companies in the area of executive compensation. With the SEC expected to complete rulemaking by December 2011, Mary J. Mullany of Ballard Spahr LLP summarizes the proposed rules and provides practical tips and suggestions for incorporating them into a corporation’s practice.
Employee Benefits for Same-Sex Couples—Recent Federal and State Developments and What's Coming Next (2150)
August 16, 2011 (4:00 PM ET)
Todd Solomon of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses the latest federal and state legal developments, including those involving federal DOMA, California/Prop 8, and more, and their impacts on employee benefits for same-sex couples.
Financial Products and Derivatives Tax Update (2140)
August 25, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Andrea Kramer of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses popular financial products and their uses; section 1256 contracts and the tax straddle rules; the mark-to-market rules; the special rules for commodities derivatives dealers; the tax treatment of supplies and tax hedges; and the effect Dodd-Frank has on certain popular financial products.
Foreign Currency Tax Transactions—Tax Opportunities and Risks (2141)
August 17, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Andrea Kramer of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses popular currency products and their uses and how special foreign currency tax elections modify and interact with foreign currency tax rules.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
About Celesq® AttorneysEd Center
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center (www.celesq.com), a nationally-recognized leader in providing high-quality continuing legal education programs to attorneys throughout the United States, focuses on the hottest topics and latest trends in practice areas of particular interest to outside and in-house corporate attorneys and litigators. A pioneer in online CLE now in its 11th year, Celesq® today offers its programs in a variety of convenient formats, including live web casts, online streaming audio and audio CDs. Contact Sharon Levine Mirsky, Esq., at (561) 241-1919 or slmirsky@celesq.com for more information.
Supreme Court Intellectual Property Review: 2010-2011 Term, from the Celesq®-West LegalEdcenter IP Master Series (2142IP)
July 21, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Anthony Lo Cicero of Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP discusses the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in i4i v. Microsoft, Global-Tech v. DEB, Costco v. Omega, and Stanford v. Roche, and their likely impact on IP practitioners and companies alike.
Securities Cases in the Supreme Court: A Review of the 2010-2011 Term and a Look at the Next (2137)
July 26, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Tom Gorman of Dorsey & Whitney LLP explores the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Matrixx Initiatives (materiality), Halliburton (loss causation and class certification), and Janus Capital (primary liability) on securities litigation going forward, and also looks forward to cases the Court may consider in the next term.
New Lawyer Advertising Rules in New York State: Ethical Challenges and Practical Responses (2149)
August 2, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this Ethics program especially for New York attorneys, Steve Bennett of Jones Day discusses the recently-enacted amendments to the New York rules that deal with lawyer advertising, the history and background of these new rules, and the practical issues involved in adhering to them.
Executive Compensation Requirements under Dodd-Frank: What is Coming? (2134)
August 10, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Dodd-Frank imposes significant changes on public companies in the area of executive compensation. With the SEC expected to complete rulemaking by December 2011, Mary J. Mullany of Ballard Spahr LLP summarizes the proposed rules and provides practical tips and suggestions for incorporating them into a corporation’s practice.
Employee Benefits for Same-Sex Couples—Recent Federal and State Developments and What's Coming Next (2150)
August 16, 2011 (4:00 PM ET)
Todd Solomon of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses the latest federal and state legal developments, including those involving federal DOMA, California/Prop 8, and more, and their impacts on employee benefits for same-sex couples.
Financial Products and Derivatives Tax Update (2140)
August 25, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Andrea Kramer of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses popular financial products and their uses; section 1256 contracts and the tax straddle rules; the mark-to-market rules; the special rules for commodities derivatives dealers; the tax treatment of supplies and tax hedges; and the effect Dodd-Frank has on certain popular financial products.
Foreign Currency Tax Transactions—Tax Opportunities and Risks (2141)
August 17, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Andrea Kramer of McDermott Will & Emery LLP discusses popular currency products and their uses and how special foreign currency tax elections modify and interact with foreign currency tax rules.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
About Celesq® AttorneysEd Center
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center (www.celesq.com), a nationally-recognized leader in providing high-quality continuing legal education programs to attorneys throughout the United States, focuses on the hottest topics and latest trends in practice areas of particular interest to outside and in-house corporate attorneys and litigators. A pioneer in online CLE now in its 11th year, Celesq® today offers its programs in a variety of convenient formats, including live web casts, online streaming audio and audio CDs. Contact Sharon Levine Mirsky, Esq., at (561) 241-1919 or slmirsky@celesq.com for more information.
Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
