Democracy Gets a New Voice on Independence Day was created to support America's founding principles that government should be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." is here to help raise the voice of the individual voter and to take political discourse out of the dominant realm of the politically elite and put it back into the hands of our nation's citizens.
Las Vegas, NV, June 30, 2011 --( The widely held and popularly embraced democratic principle that government should be “of the people, by the people and for the people” as eloquently expressed by President Lincoln at Gettysburg, gains a dynamic new voice on the Fourth of July with the official release of the Web site known simply as Poliwics™, Democracy in Action.
In making the announcement, Dave Rucker, Poliwics Founder and Managing Director said, “We felt it was altogether fitting that the official launch of Poliwics be on the 235th anniversary of the founding of this great democracy.”
Rucker further explained in his statement, the driving force behind Poliwics. "Since every vote counts, every voice in the election process needs to count as well. Poliwics is every citizen’s online interactive Web voice in politics and public affairs via chat rooms, discussion forums, blogs and opinion polls."
Rucker further described Poliwics as a gourmet blend of politics and wikis. “As a wiki, the general public contributes essentially all of the central mission content. We encourage all visitors to Poliwics to register then join the conversation by writing a blog post, introduce a new topic and participate in a discussion forum, open a new chat room on the subject of their choice, and add their vote to any of the ongoing candidate and issue polls in each election cycle. The polls tabulate instantly, demonstrating the fluid nature of public opinion and candidate preference.”
The Poliwics editors note that they will frequently prompt a discussion based on the day’s hottest issues, candidate activities and actions of elected officials. From that point, it’s up to the Poliwics members to either carry the ball and create the conversation, participate in moving the discussion forward or let the topic drop for lack of interest.
According to information on the Poliwics Website, the Democracy in Action slogan in fact sums up its mission statement as being in support of a true democracy. Following a simple registration, all Poliwics participants, known as Poliwicians, have an equal opportunity to openly express their opinion with equal voice and equal status. It’s stressed that neither fame nor fortune rate preference on Poliwics.
In addition to the various avenues to discuss candidates and issues, Poliwics offers a store featuring a wide range of merchandise from books to campaign materials, apparel and jewelry as well as Poliwics branded items.
Poliwics is a totally independent entity and is not affiliated in any way with any political party or organization. Likewise, Poliwics has no affiliation with any third part advocacy or lobbying effort in support of or opposed to any candidate for political office or public policy issue.
In making the announcement, Dave Rucker, Poliwics Founder and Managing Director said, “We felt it was altogether fitting that the official launch of Poliwics be on the 235th anniversary of the founding of this great democracy.”
Rucker further explained in his statement, the driving force behind Poliwics. "Since every vote counts, every voice in the election process needs to count as well. Poliwics is every citizen’s online interactive Web voice in politics and public affairs via chat rooms, discussion forums, blogs and opinion polls."
Rucker further described Poliwics as a gourmet blend of politics and wikis. “As a wiki, the general public contributes essentially all of the central mission content. We encourage all visitors to Poliwics to register then join the conversation by writing a blog post, introduce a new topic and participate in a discussion forum, open a new chat room on the subject of their choice, and add their vote to any of the ongoing candidate and issue polls in each election cycle. The polls tabulate instantly, demonstrating the fluid nature of public opinion and candidate preference.”
The Poliwics editors note that they will frequently prompt a discussion based on the day’s hottest issues, candidate activities and actions of elected officials. From that point, it’s up to the Poliwics members to either carry the ball and create the conversation, participate in moving the discussion forward or let the topic drop for lack of interest.
According to information on the Poliwics Website, the Democracy in Action slogan in fact sums up its mission statement as being in support of a true democracy. Following a simple registration, all Poliwics participants, known as Poliwicians, have an equal opportunity to openly express their opinion with equal voice and equal status. It’s stressed that neither fame nor fortune rate preference on Poliwics.
In addition to the various avenues to discuss candidates and issues, Poliwics offers a store featuring a wide range of merchandise from books to campaign materials, apparel and jewelry as well as Poliwics branded items.
Poliwics is a totally independent entity and is not affiliated in any way with any political party or organization. Likewise, Poliwics has no affiliation with any third part advocacy or lobbying effort in support of or opposed to any candidate for political office or public policy issue.
Dave Rucker
Dave Rucker
