Sound Light Ascension Expo in Louisville, KY, USA, September 24 & 25, 2011 Jonathan Goldman, Keynote Speaker
The Sound Light Expo in Louisville, KY will draw people from around the world to gather September 24 & 25, 2011. They will serve and celebrate the spirit of all in the Light Community and on the planet. Jonathan Goldman, sound pioneer, Grammy finalist and author is the keynote presenter. The event takes place at the Ramada Conference Center, 9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY.

Where the Heart of the Dove is Anchored
Light workers and many people from across the nation and around the world will gather in Louisville, Kentucky USA this September in the softly rolling hills of the Bluegrass State. They will come together to serve and celebrate the spirit of all in the Light Community and on the planet. The two-day event takes place at the Ramada Conference Center, 9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299.
The Sound Light Ascension Expo is the third in a Trinity of Events that unfold the Divine Plan.
Keynote speaker for the event is sound pioneer and award-winning author/musician and Grammy nominee Jonathan Goldman of Boulder, CO. He will also present a workshop with his wife and partner Andi Goldman, sound healer, psychotherapist, award-winning author and musician. Additional presenters are Catherine Ann Clemett, San Mateo, CA, co-author with Claire Heartsong of “Anna, Voice of the Magdalenes," a catalyst for awakening Magdalene consciousness, and Tuieta, Marion, IN, a messenger and conscious voice channel. Tuieta works with ascended masters, elementals and other light beings, sharing information on the Ascension process and The New Earth.
The Expo offers an opportunity for expansion of awareness in the Healing Arts of Sound and Light frequencies with presenters, vendors, healing practitioners and products that may assist in awakening new frequencies within. The purpose of the Expo is to help defragment old programming and replace it with new sound and light frequencies of the Divine Plan for Ascension.
“Make Joyful Noise Unto the Lord”
"The seeds were planted for us long ago. Now is the time. The Sound Light Ascension Expo is a portal for that energy.” - Sacred Expo Coordinator
Jonathan Goldman, M.A. Jonathan is an award-winning, Grammy-nominated musician, composer, writer, teacher and chant master - an international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. He has worked with masters of sound from both the scientific and the spiritual traditions. Jonathan founded the annual World Sound Healing Day and launched the first online sound temple, available 24-7 on the internet. He is author of "The Divine Name: The Sound that Can Change the World" (foreward by Gregg Braden); "Shifting Frequencies;" and "The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing." Jonathan has created numerous award-winning recordings, and is the founder of the Sound Healers Association. His yearly July intensives are attended by people from around the globe. He and his wife travel widely giving sound weekends and workshops. Visit:
Andi Goldman, M.A., L.P.C. Andi is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy, the director of Healing Sounds Seminars and co-director of the Sound Healers Association. She is the co-author of several books with Jonathan including the award-winning "Chakra Frequencies." She and Jonathan have led workshops across the U.S. and abroad, at Unity Village in Missouri and online.
Catherine Ann Clemett is co-author with Claire Heartsong of “Anna, Voice of the Magdalenes," the sequel to “Anna, Grandmother of Jesus." As part of the Magdalene consciousness, she is dedicated to helping others remember and reclaim their Magdalene voices.
Tuieta: Messengers of Light are on the Earth to help with Divine Truth alignment. Tuieta is a messenger, a conscious voice channel who receives telepathic messages from the Spiritual Hierarchy, Galactics and Elemental Kingdom. Tuieta worked with Virginia Essene on her book “New Cells, New Bodies, New LIFE!” Visit www.thenewearth/portal
Book signings: Jonathan and Andi Goldman, Catherine Ann Clemett and Tuieta will sign their books with times to be announced. For a complete schedule and additional information, visit
To attend: One-day admission: $10 Two-day admission: $15.00
Lodging information at special negotiated rate, call 502.491.4830 or 800.230.4134. Mention Sacred Journeys Expo.
For additional information and event reservations, contact conference coordinator Margie Beatty at | 502.243.4773.
Margie Beatty
Joan Vann PR 520.358.0575

Sound Light Ascension Expo 2011 & Sacred Journeys logo
Light filled fractal art representing infinite love, sound, light, color and Ascension, the symbol of Sacred Journeys and the Sound Light Ascension Expo.

"The Divine Name: The Sound That Can Change the World" - Visionary Award
by Jonathan Goldman, foreward by Gregg Braden (Hay House). Winner of 2011 COVR Award - Best Health/Healing Book. "The Divine Name is a universal sound that, when intoned, can bring harmony & healing to ourselves & the planet. A condensed initiation into great sacred mystery schools." Gregg Braden

"Chakra Frequencies" - Visionary Award Winner - Destiny Books
by Jonathan & Andi Goldman. "Chakra Frequencies" provides a significant new approach to creating harmony & balance within us by using the power of sound.... for healing individually or with a partner, to reach deeper emotional levels & create harmony/balance with those around you." Deepak Chopra