Dan Fletcher Releases His Debut Novel THE STASH

Exciting new thriller author Dan Fletcher only started writing this year, but is already on his third fast paced thriller called SWAHILI SUNSET. His first novel, THE STASH was released a couple of weeks ago. The opening chapters have been highly acclaimed in reviews by other writers on the British Arts Council backed website You Write On.

Chippenham, United Kingdom, July 12, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Dan Fletcher's first novel, "THE STASH" is now in Kindle format on Amazon. After waiting 20 years to actually sit down and write his first book, the author has made up for it by churning out his first few novels at an alarming rate.

That's not to say they are lacking in quality, quite the opposite. Dan Fletcher has a fluid writing style and sets the scene beautifully for complex plots that are full of gritty action not for the faint-hearted.

Quote from the author;
"THE STASH seemed to just pour out of my mind onto the page and I just kept writing, night and day. I had to force myself stop and go back on more than a few occasions, just to see if what I had written made any sense... luckily it did. The book is based on a lot of personal experience and I guess that made it easier to write. The latest one I'm working on, SWAHILI SUNSET, is a completely different beast. It's based on a horrific event, the bombings in 1998 in Nairobi and Dar es salaam, so it's important I get it right to honour the victims who tragically lost their lives on that fateful day."

Quote from the book cover;
"THE STASH is an action packed adventure thriller with a mix of gangsters from London, Lagos, and Los Angeles that will keep you in suspense from the first page to the last.

"The story is unique in that it is told from both of our unwitting heroes’ perspective. Watch John and Alan fall deeper and deeper into a shadowy world of torture, kidnapping and murder.

"They Don’t Find Trouble, Trouble Finds Them.

"John Simonds and Alan Shorey stumble across a kilo of cocaine while they are decorating a luxury apartment in Knightsbridge. Deciding to risk the wrath of the unknown owner, a psychopathic Nigerian crime boss, they steal ‘The Stash’ and unwittingly embark on a farcical but dangerous journey that takes them across continents!"

Dan Fletcher recognises that every reader is important and you can follow him on twitter or send him an email via his official website. Dan personally responds to all the emails he receives.

Keep an eye out for more releases from Dan Fletcher in the near future. Including the sequel to THE STASH, another page turner CONCRETE JUNGLE. John Simonds & Alan Shorey return to face more gangsters, this time from Russia.

Dan Fletcher Books
Dan Fletcher