To-Increase Reveals How Microsoft Dynamics Manages Custom Manufacturing Projects from End-to-End

Blog post offers video case study, reveals how Microsoft Dynamics significantly improves communication of global manufacturing project details

Norwell, MA, July 19, 2011 --( To-Increase, a provider of Microsoft Dynamics solutions for Industrial Equipment Manufacturers (IEM), offers a new video case study in a blog post that illustrates how a global manufacturer is able to more effectively manage custom end-to-end manufacturing projects with Microsoft Dynamics AX. This video is currently available as a free download from the To-Increase blog.

Until recently, understanding and communicating project details was the largest organizational challenge faced by Wheelabrator Group, a manufacturer of surface preparation machinery solutions. As solutions developed by Wheelabrator Group are custom, and oftentimes represent newly developed solutions, total project costs were difficult to forecast and stakeholder questions related to budget were difficult to address. Coupled with this project cost uncertainty was the inability for Wheelabrator Group's employees, spread throughout every major country, to access project details in real-time.

“The biggest problem we faced as an organization was understanding and communicating what engineering and manufacturing costs were, and how this compared to what they should be,” states Michael Stead, Director of Global Standards, Wheelabrator Group.

"Fundamentally, this broad lack of understanding regarding how much projects should cost, coupled with the absent ability to communicate project details in real-time, impacted nearly every critical department in Wheelabrator Group," states Luciano Cunha, Global Industry Director, To-Increase. "This posed a significant risk to the effectiveness of the company's overall project management process."

Since implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX, this lack of project understanding has been effectively eliminated, thanks to what Stead refers to as, “the perfect software fit for our type of manufacturing.”

With Microsoft Dynamics AX, Wheelabrator Group is now able to understand:

Initial costs to be applied against a project
Ongoing project costs being expensed
Future costs for service and maintenance

"Of course, knowing costs is only one part of the end-to-end manufacturing puzzle," concludes Cunha. "Fortunately, Microsoft Dynamics also allows for project information to be accessed by all necessary stakeholders throughout the globe – via one familiar and intuitive software system."

To learn more about the success being experienced by Wheelabrator Group, request a complimentary copy of the latest Microsoft Dynamics video case study by visiting the To-Increase blog at

About To-Increase
As a global ISV and Microsoft Gold Certified partner, To-Increase develops solutions for industry verticals, including highly specific Industrial Equipment Manufacturing, retail, wholesale, construction, distribution, and professional services segments. We offer end-to-end solutions built on Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV, along with a wide range of business integration and add-on software for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions. We also develop e-Con, the leading sales and product configurator for Microsoft Dynamics. To-Increase has been recognized as the Microsoft Dynamics Outstanding ISV of the year for both 2009 and 2010, and has been a member of the Microsoft President’s Club and Inner Circle for three consecutive years. Our solutions are delivered worldwide through a network of highly trained partners.

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Luciano Cunha