J. L. Feliciano and Anthony A. Paluzzi Team Up for “Rock N’ Old” – Beat Out Over 6,000 Other Writers

J. L Feliciano and Anthony A. Paluzzi sat down, stood up and shouted when they wrote Rock N’ Old.

New York, NY, July 19, 2011 --(PR.com)-- When J. L. Feliciano and Anthony A. Paluzzi decided to sit down and write a script because, “We thought we’d get a kick out of it,” they had no idea they would produce one of the funniest stories about rock n’ roll ever written. After coming in the top 5% of the prestigious Nicholl Fellowship competition against 6,500 other writers, they decided the next logical step was to release their story to the public.

Something this funny should never stay private.

Hilarity ensues in Rock N’ Old when five rockers, who lost their most heartbreaking battle years ago, reunite in a desperate attempt to reclaim their glory. Brett Deville, the only responsible one out of the lot, is a virtual outcast because he actually grew up to get a job that pays above minimum wage. David Lee Rock, the slightly insane one who sets them on their journey after an incident at the DMV with the police, believes everything he does is for the fans. The only problem is... There are no fans.

By competing in a new and final battle to keep David Lee Rock out of jail, the band doesn’t just try to relive their youth so much as they hunt it down for food and glory.

Having both lived through the 80’s, Feliciano and Paluzzi, wanted to write about what they know, and what they know is rock n’ roll.

They elected to keep the publishing strictly online. “In the past I worked in publishing and we decided we didn’t want to go to a major publishing house with this one. We wanted to keep the price low because books are becoming too expensive.” Paluzzi said about the bound book, adding. “I’m also an artist. My artwork has been displayed in a museum; it has appeared in magazines, and I’ve even received a letter from a former President of the United States who called my work, ‘inspiring.’ In turn, we wanted control not only over what was on the inside, but what was on the outside as well, and on top of that, I knew I had the backing and the experience to design the cover myself. If people were going to spend their money on something, Feliciano, and I worked on together then both the story and the packaging had to represent us and not some hired gun.”

While Paluzzi designed the cover and wrote exactly 50% of the story, it would have never happened without Feliciano, who came up with the concept behind Rock N’ Old. “I know people who feel the way the characters do in this story. I have friends who still want to make it, and I thought it would be funny if I took that concept and ran with it in an insane and funny way. The gestation of the storyline was very organic, yet I decided I wanted to add some classic elements, such as grown men trying to recapture their youth, while giving it an original twist. I’ve also worked on several movies and television shows so I understood the pacing and the dynamics behind the characters we created. It was imperative that the public read something honest and professional. Those two words don’t always go together, but it was important to us to make sure the impression we made was genuine and skilled, and of course, amazingly funny.”

By combining their talents, Feliciano and Paluzzi have produced a comedy that has left people laughing hysterically, which of course was always their intention.

More information about Rock N’ Old can be found at http://anthonyapaluzzi.com/books.html

Anthony A. Paluzzi
John Franchi