The Life Coach Dr. Announces Publication of New Book Revealing Natural Remedies for Arthritis That Work ... with Special Sections That Include Mental-Emotional Healing

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis have just taken a leap forward in the direction of a Rheumatoid Arthritis cure. For the past thirty years, Dr. Marlene Shiple has enjoyed her life Arthritis Pain ... Free. Her delight is obvious as she shares her experiences -- and the natural remedies for arthritis that she found to work -- in her new book, "Arthritis Pain ... FREE!: Heal Arthritis Naturally ... I Did, You Can, Too!"

Phoenix, AZ, July 19, 2011 --( Rheumatoid arthritis strikes 1.3 million adults; in addition, it is fast becoming a disease of older adults. For fourteen years, Dr. Marlene Shiple, owner and chief Life Coach at The Life Coach Dr. and Counselors Associated, Inc., suffered from the joint pain and stiffness of severe rheumatoid arthritis. Her new book – "Arthritis Pain … FREE!: Heal Arthritis Naturally – I Did, You Can, Too” chronicles her journey from arthritic illness to complete wellness.

During the 14 years that she suffered from arthritis, Dr. Shiple experimented with both mental-emotional strategies and natural remedies and cures. Many of these strategies are the same techniques she uses at The Life Coach Dr. and Counselors Associated, Inc., to work effectively with helping clients heal their lives. At the end of those fourteen years, Dr. Shiple had found a solution that eliminated the joint pain and stiffness and infirmity of her arthritic disease. At the end of those fourteen years, using the natural remedies for arthritis that she found effective for herself, she was completely "Arthritis Pain ... FREE!"

That break-through to eliminate arthritis occurred thirty years ago. For the past thirty years, Dr. Shiple has successfully maintained this state of freedom from arthritis pain and suffering. For these same 30 years, she has owned and operated the successful mental-health offices of The Life Coach Dr. and Counselors Associated, Inc.

The Life Coach Dr. and Counselors Associated, Inc., announce the publication of Dr. Shiple’s book, which reveals natural remedies for arthritis -- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this book, Dr. Shiple details the specific step-by-step approach -- the treatments for rheumatoid arthritis -- she used to eliminate all traces of her former rheumatoid arthritis condition.

The subtitle of "Arthritis Pain ... FREE!: Heal Arthritis Naturally ... I Did, You Can, Too!", states Dr. Shiple's intention -- namely, to explain the treatments for rheumatoid arthritis she used to affect a complete rheumatoid arthritis cure. It is Dr. Shiple's expressed goal to open the door, allowing other arthritis sufferers the keys to share in her outcomes and duplicate her results for themselves.

Dr. Shiple has a Ph.D. degree in Counseling Psychology. She is a Life Coach and Psychotherapist in private practice at The Life Coach Dr. and Counselors Associated, Inc. She has used her skills to deal effectively with both the mental and the emotional aspects of the disease of arthritis. Dr. Shiple urges readers to follow through, using for themselves the treatments for rheumatoid arthritis that she thoroughly explains in her book ... to follow the steps fully ... and to persevere to create their own rheumatoid arthritis cure.

To learn more about this powerful, newly-published book, visit http://arthritispain Click on the link at this site to get your own copy of their Free Special eBook, "Stress Reduction: Eliminate Stress Now!" This eBook includes natural strategies to Reduce Stress, one of the critical steps to achieve an Arthritis Pain ... Free lifestyle. The importance of managing stress and reducing its impact on your life is discussed at length in the new book, "Arthritis Pain ... FREE!: Heal Arthritis Naturally -- I Did, You Can, Too." Visit http://arthritispain-free.htm?pr1 and get your Free Stress-Reduction eBook today.

Company info
As The Life Coach Dr./Counselors Associated, Inc., Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. provides life and relationship coaching to motivated seekers in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Dr. Shiple has been helping people with wellness life-change services since 1975. Her goal is to help you, as her patient, understand your needs and reach your goals. She guides eager, motivated seekers to discover Joy and Passion in their lives and relationships.

In-office, Dr. Shiple utilizes traditional psychological coaching and psychotherapy techniques, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, sex therapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), relaxation training, and other interventions. The emphasis is on working with you individually—as our patient—to develop practical strategies and to achieve your desired goals.

The Life Coach Dr./Counselors Associated, Inc.
Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.
One E. Camelback Rd., Suite #550
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Arthritis Pain ... FREE

Arthritis Pain ... FREE

The Life Coach Dr. announces the publication of Dr. Shiple’s book, "Arthritis Pain ... FREE!: Heal Arthritis Naturally ... I Did, You Can, Too!" that reveals natural remedies for arthritis -- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Includes specific steps for successful treatment of arthritis.

Arthritis Pain ... FREE

Arthritis Pain ... FREE

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis have just taken a leap forward in the direction of a Rheumatoid Arthritis cure. For the past thirty years, Dr. Marlene Shiple has enjoyed her life Arthritis Pain ... FREE! She shares the step-by-step formula that created her healing result.
