Book Explores Bush Re-election to Find Unheard Effects of Iraq War
A new book has revealed chilling facts about the impacts of Iraq war on unknown parts of the world through the lenses of world press.

Bridgewater, NJ, March 28, 2007 --( A new book has revealed virtually unknown impacts of Iraq war through an interesting event: The Bush re-election.
"America Misunderstood: What a Second Bush Victory Meant to the Rest of the World," published by carries rare opinions written from forty different countries—mostly in the Middle East—about what the American policies and Iraq war meant to the unknown world when Americans gave Bush a second term in the White House.
“It doesn’t happen all the time. But when Bush came to power for the second time, the whole world looked at Americans with shock and awe. Opinions about American foreign policy, voter behavior, super-power status, ignorance, and many other factors were discussed in every little corner of the world. America Misunderstood carefully captures these opinions to paint a picture of what the rest of the world think of us,” said N. Sivakumar, the editor of the publisher of the book.
While the war in Iraq is fuelling world anger and nominations for the 2008 presidential bid are heating up, the book has arrived at a critical juncture.
“The book is an honest and noble attempt to bridge the chasm that exists between America and the rest of world. We can’t achieve global peace unless we understand the world mindset. I think the book is a great opportunity for everyone to take a step towards crossing the chasm. As a modern immigrant who loves America with unstinting devotion, I think it’s my duty to let Americans know what I discovered. Lawmakers, historians, academics, and the general public should take this book seriously. I also included an epilogue that captures the world reaction to the 2006 mid-term election results, which kind of closed the loop,” said Sivakumar.
The contributor list has surprising names like world famous Lebanese cartoonist Stavro Jabra, Nobel laureate Harold Pinter, and many other Arab and Israeli journalists who make a daily impact on millions around the world. According to Sivakumar, more and more immigrants who have close ties with their country of origin read these journalists through blogs, which could significantly impact the dynamics of immigrant voter behavior in the future.
“Collecting the pieces and getting reprint permissions was like a world tour unto itself,” said N. Sivakumar.
“It was a fascinating experience. I must have contacted at least couple of hundred individuals in forty different countries. I couldn’t even locate some of the countries on a world map,” he added.
"America Misunderstood: What a Second Bush Victory Meant to the Rest of the World," published by carries rare opinions written from forty different countries—mostly in the Middle East—about what the American policies and Iraq war meant to the unknown world when Americans gave Bush a second term in the White House.
“It doesn’t happen all the time. But when Bush came to power for the second time, the whole world looked at Americans with shock and awe. Opinions about American foreign policy, voter behavior, super-power status, ignorance, and many other factors were discussed in every little corner of the world. America Misunderstood carefully captures these opinions to paint a picture of what the rest of the world think of us,” said N. Sivakumar, the editor of the publisher of the book.
While the war in Iraq is fuelling world anger and nominations for the 2008 presidential bid are heating up, the book has arrived at a critical juncture.
“The book is an honest and noble attempt to bridge the chasm that exists between America and the rest of world. We can’t achieve global peace unless we understand the world mindset. I think the book is a great opportunity for everyone to take a step towards crossing the chasm. As a modern immigrant who loves America with unstinting devotion, I think it’s my duty to let Americans know what I discovered. Lawmakers, historians, academics, and the general public should take this book seriously. I also included an epilogue that captures the world reaction to the 2006 mid-term election results, which kind of closed the loop,” said Sivakumar.
The contributor list has surprising names like world famous Lebanese cartoonist Stavro Jabra, Nobel laureate Harold Pinter, and many other Arab and Israeli journalists who make a daily impact on millions around the world. According to Sivakumar, more and more immigrants who have close ties with their country of origin read these journalists through blogs, which could significantly impact the dynamics of immigrant voter behavior in the future.
“Collecting the pieces and getting reprint permissions was like a world tour unto itself,” said N. Sivakumar.
“It was a fascinating experience. I must have contacted at least couple of hundred individuals in forty different countries. I couldn’t even locate some of the countries on a world map,” he added.
N. Sivakumar
N. Sivakumar
