New Hip-Hop Musician, Jephte Blanc, Introduce Inspiring Music

New hip-hop musician, Jephte Blanc with stage name Young Suspect A.K.A Love is Eternity introducing new and inspiring music. His music expresses the reality of his world and depicts his views on many social issues.

West Palm Beach, FL, July 24, 2011 --( If you walk into Jephte Blanc’s house in West Palm Beach, Fla. you will find him nowhere else except in front of the computer with a pen and a notebook writing lyrics and putting together beats for his upcoming music and video releases.

This is Jephte Blanc’s life now, an inspiring hip-hop musician who has written and recorded more than 20 songs. His stage name is Young Suspect A.K.A Love is eternal. The name “Young Suspect” depicts the unfair judgmental and stereotypical experiences that have been dub to many young male like himself. Love is eternal refers to everlasting love that helps each one of us go through tough times.

“His music and lyrics expresses the reality of his world and depicts his views on many issue,” said Yvelor Sully, his co-manager. “He is using his voice in a positive manner and is influencing young people to live life beyond every day.”

As an emerging hip-hop artist, Jephte has performed live in South Florida and Georgia state talent shows. In 2009, he performed in Los Angeles at the hip-hop artist music convention sponsored by Upscale Records.

“I use personal accounts to encourage others in making positive life choices that will better their lives and their family lives,” said Jephte. “I want to inspire everyone especially young man my age to keep being positive.”

For more information about Jephte’s inspiring voice, visit his music page at

The public is encouraged to give opinion on this new artist and music. Keep in touch with concert update and new music release on Find Young Suspect on Facebook and twitter.

“This young artist has much to offer and I hope that you will listen to this new and upcoming voice. You never know, it might inspire you,” said Sully.

Hermeline Blanc