Outskirts Press Announces Whistling In The Soup - Story of a Young Boy Growing up During World War Two

A story of coming to maturity in post-war years

Denver, CO, March 28, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Whistling in the Soup is the story of Peter’s experiences growing up in Britain during World War Two and coming to maturity in the post –war years.  The author makes this tale what is considered to be fascinating reading. His tales are full of young dreams and dashed hopes, childhood fantasies and adolescent longings. They are stories we all share; in so many ways, though set in a different era.  His experiences mirror our own.

Whistling in the Soup is like a good, satisfying meal. It presents a series of short stories of growing through childhood to adolescence ~ the chages, the decisions, the emotions.  His books chronicles the experience we all have as we mature into adults.

Peter N. Williams
211 Murray Rd
Newark, De 19711

Book Website: www.outskirtspress.com/whitlinginthesoup
Author’s Website: Celticinfo.com
Email: Peternwster@ gmail.com
ISBN: 1-4327-0355-2
Retail Price(s): US $11.95
CAN $14.95
Size and Format(s): 5 X 8 Paperback
Page Count: 235
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com

Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704