Mommies' Priceless Moments

Mommies’ Priceless Moments, the new book from Supermom Amanda Johnson, has a simple, universal theme. Screaming struggles, poop disasters, bargains, and opportunities to peel cereal from the walls will one day become priceless memories of special times we spent with our kids. All it takes is a little time and a little perspective. The book, Amanda’s first, is a golden collection of funny parental anecdotes from across the United States. Each and every one of them is absolutely true.

Sacramento, CA, November 22, 2011 --( ‘Children Do the Craziest Things’? No, it’s not the latest Reality Show!

It's the premise a parenting book with a difference.

According to Amanda Johnson, author of ‘Mommies’ Priceless Moments’, those frantic and frustrating moments with your kids will one day become priceless memories. Even if you can’t see it now...

Mommies’ Priceless Moments, the new book from Supermom Amanda Johnson, has a simple, universal theme. Screaming struggles, poop disasters, bargains, and opportunities to peel cereal from the walls will one day become priceless memories of special times we spent with our kids. All it takes is a little time and a little perspective.

Having married her dream man and suddenly becoming a mother to three children, Amanda Johnson had to learn about parenting from the get-go. “It was sink or swim,” Amanda says, "so I made like a mermaid!"

Those hard won, invaluable skills had prepared her well for when she gave birth to her own child in 2009 – or so she thought.

Having got through the sleepless nights with no more damage than a few gray hairs, Amanda now finds herself bringing up a super active baby boy. Not wanting other parents to feel out of their depth, Amanda created Mommies’ Priceless Moments, to share parents’ stories in a humorous and informative way.

The book, Amanda’s first, is a golden collection of funny parental anecdotes from across the United States. Each and every one of them is absolutely true, and as Amanda explains – will one day become a priceless moment:

“My basic aim was to expose the real challenges that come with being a parent, and to showcase them in an amusing light. There was no better way to go about this than speaking with parents up and down the country, and compiling a book that contains their crazy, courageous and sometimes almost unbelievable stories!” says Amanda.

Amanda’s intent is to help parents to understand that they’re not alone in their experiences. The book has been a huge hit since first hitting the shelves, as Derek Thompson – Editor at A Word with You Press, shares:

"This book made me laugh out loud, opened my eyes and very occasionally made me shudder! I love the fact that these stories are all drawn from real life experiences. I have friends who are expecting a bundle of joy and they'll be getting a copy of Mommies' Priceless Moments to get them into the zone. Speaking as a guy, I'll never look at motherhood – or children – the same way again.”

Reflecting on her book, Amanda truly believes that there’s really nothing to fear when taking on the responsibility of becoming a Mom or Dad:

“I often dive into my own book to have a reassuring giggle at the stories that contributing parents shared. When all is said and done, parents the world over have enough love for their little ones to cope with anything. Whatever people may say to try and scare you – it is never as bad as they make out!” Amanda reveals.

Mommies’ Priceless Moments is available online through the book’s official website, as well as in Ebook format through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

About Amanda Johnson
Amanda Johnson has always had a way with words.

Born in San Jose in 1985, she entered a world of immersive culture at home. Amanda’s African American Father and Latin American/Caucasian Mother raised her with strong family values and a healthy curiosity about life.

After developing a passion for writing, during high school, she went on to win many top youth writing awards and poetry contests, before demonstrating her respect for hard work and independence by leaving home at the age of 18. In learning to fend for herself and by knuckling down to her studies, Amanda saw her own way through college and obtained a distinguished degree in Business.

The inspiration behind Mommies’ Priceless Moments came when Amanda married her husband – and instantly became a Mom of three. Now a proud mother of four, from a teenager all the way down to her most recent addition, Amanda hopes that her book will act as a saving grace for parents everywhere.

Part entertainment, part confessional and part stress relief, Mommies’ Priceless Moments is the perfect gift for anyone who has children, is expecting a child, or who is thinking about starting a family.

Contact Information
Amanda Johnson – Author

Mommies' Priceless Moments
Amanda Johnson
(916) 904-6984