“Wall Street Pays Burned Investors in Arbitration” – Facts from Mr. Securities Arbitration
Securities Arbitration Hotline Begins 17th Year as New Claims by Main Streeters Exceed 500 per Month in ’05; Hotline Founder Forecasts Katrina Victims May Increase Arbitration Filings.
Los Angeles, CA, October 13, 2005 --(PR.com)-- This month the national Securities Arbitration Hotline celebrates the beginning of our 17th consecutive year helping people burned by their stockbroker. A free, nationwide service, the Hotline is dedicated to helping Main Street Americans financially burned and abused by Wall Street. “It happens every single day,” reports founder Paul N. Young. “Individual investors should trust and rely on their stockbroker and it is the obligation of all 660,000 stockbrokers working for the nation’s 5,500 brokerage firms to do the right thing for each investor-client; to put the interests of the investor first at all times, every time. But it doesn’t always work out that way. That is where Securities Arbitration gets involved working for the burned investor to resolve the investor’s dispute within the securities arbitration process each day, case by case by case,” states Young.
Securities arbitration provides Main Streeters the opportunity to resolve their claims in a time efficient, cost effective manner utilizing a non-court process. Burned investors can be awarded some, all, or more than all of the dollars lost due to one or more acts of stockbroker misconduct.
The recent statistics indicate that investors are filing approximately one new securities arbitration case in this country ----------- per hour! Over 500 per month so far in 2005 (source: Natl. Assn. of Securities Dealers, Inc.). Paul N. Young: “We believe that for each new case filed, at least ten additional legitimate claims are not filed by burned investors and may never be due to lack of knowledge that they can pursue their claims or victim embarrassment.”
The securities arbitration system works well. In 2004, Wall Street paid Main Streeters $200 Million in contested arbitrations (source: NASD). This record-shattering amount does not include money paid in private settlements or mediation. The 2004 dollar amount awarded to burned investors that is known set an all-time record, easily eclipsing awarded amounts in contested claims for each prior calendar year. Proof-positive that the system works.
But what about the future? Securities Arbitration’s Paul Young: “In what appears to be a soft and uneven investment environment, we would expect Main Streeters might be bombarded with recommendations by stockbrokers to actively trade their regular and retirement accounts, as this generates commissions for firms and brokers. We caution great care and prudence by investors. Now in our 17th year, we stand ready to help burned investors recover on legitimate claims against Wall Streeters in arbitration, as we have similarly done nationwide for many years.”
Our message is vital: Burned investors can fight back and win against Wall Street. It can be done well and right in a time efficient, cost effective manner. That the securities dispute resolution system works well for Main Streeters. That Main Street cannot fight back and win against Wall Street if the burned investor stands silent and remains outside the “arena.”
The Securities Arbitration Hotline (1-800-222-4724) is the only non-governmental one in the USA that we know of dedicated to burned investors.
Ours is a street consumer, good news, top menu money story of real people provided the chance to take on the big guys on Wall Street … and win. With money and money-related stories among the most important to the public, this is a unique and POSITIVE story for broadcast and print.
The Securities Arbitration Hotline @ 1-800-222-4724 helps people who think or know they’ve been burned by Wall Street.
Available for interviews (print/air), founder PAUL N. YOUNG -- dubbed “Mr. Securities Arbitration” -- is a compelling, fully all-media experienced communicator who believes that securities arbitration is “the best thing since chocolate ice cream.”
For Interview Requests: Caren Gellman. Telephone: 1-310-551-0255
Or email: FraudFight@aol.com
Securities arbitration provides Main Streeters the opportunity to resolve their claims in a time efficient, cost effective manner utilizing a non-court process. Burned investors can be awarded some, all, or more than all of the dollars lost due to one or more acts of stockbroker misconduct.
The recent statistics indicate that investors are filing approximately one new securities arbitration case in this country ----------- per hour! Over 500 per month so far in 2005 (source: Natl. Assn. of Securities Dealers, Inc.). Paul N. Young: “We believe that for each new case filed, at least ten additional legitimate claims are not filed by burned investors and may never be due to lack of knowledge that they can pursue their claims or victim embarrassment.”
The securities arbitration system works well. In 2004, Wall Street paid Main Streeters $200 Million in contested arbitrations (source: NASD). This record-shattering amount does not include money paid in private settlements or mediation. The 2004 dollar amount awarded to burned investors that is known set an all-time record, easily eclipsing awarded amounts in contested claims for each prior calendar year. Proof-positive that the system works.
But what about the future? Securities Arbitration’s Paul Young: “In what appears to be a soft and uneven investment environment, we would expect Main Streeters might be bombarded with recommendations by stockbrokers to actively trade their regular and retirement accounts, as this generates commissions for firms and brokers. We caution great care and prudence by investors. Now in our 17th year, we stand ready to help burned investors recover on legitimate claims against Wall Streeters in arbitration, as we have similarly done nationwide for many years.”
Our message is vital: Burned investors can fight back and win against Wall Street. It can be done well and right in a time efficient, cost effective manner. That the securities dispute resolution system works well for Main Streeters. That Main Street cannot fight back and win against Wall Street if the burned investor stands silent and remains outside the “arena.”
The Securities Arbitration Hotline (1-800-222-4724) is the only non-governmental one in the USA that we know of dedicated to burned investors.
Ours is a street consumer, good news, top menu money story of real people provided the chance to take on the big guys on Wall Street … and win. With money and money-related stories among the most important to the public, this is a unique and POSITIVE story for broadcast and print.
The Securities Arbitration Hotline @ 1-800-222-4724 helps people who think or know they’ve been burned by Wall Street.
Available for interviews (print/air), founder PAUL N. YOUNG -- dubbed “Mr. Securities Arbitration” -- is a compelling, fully all-media experienced communicator who believes that securities arbitration is “the best thing since chocolate ice cream.”
For Interview Requests: Caren Gellman. Telephone: 1-310-551-0255
Or email: FraudFight@aol.com
Securities Arbitration Hotline
Caren Gellman
Caren Gellman