Wright Scoop Advocates Fall is for Planting

Glen Allen, VA based The Wright Scoop –Sylvia Hoehns Wright, recipient of the "Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic" award urges all to shift plant installation seasons, ensure "greening" of America’s landscapes creating a legacy of healthier urban/suburban communities.

Richmond, VA, August 20, 2011 --(PR.com)-- From the rain forests of south-east Alaska to the deciduous forests of the Mid-Atlantic region, climatic shifts occur. “The challenge,” says the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright, “for present-day communities is to identify strategies that enable a 'waste not, and want not' ecological commitment: create sustainable eco systems.”

Fall, the Optimal Planting Season –
For more than 20 years, the American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA) promoted fall as a "second season" for landscape garden sales but due to the ongoing effect of climate shifts, presently for most regions, fall is not simply a"second season" sales opportunity but the optimal plant installation season. As a result, Wright and her colleague members of the Central Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association (CVNLA) have for the Greater Richmond Area (GRA) launched an eco educational campaign – fall is for planting - urging consumers and Industry alike to make fall their optimal plant installation season. “We hope,” says Wright, “through this campaign to enable an understanding of the benefits of plant installation during least climate stress conditions.” Why? During the fall, fewer pests and disease problems occur, increased amounts of rainfall and cooler temperatures create an ideal environment for plant development; and while there are cooler temperatures, the soil remains warm encouraging root growth which will continue during the winter season. Specifically, providing for plant roots, the opportunity of seven to nine months in which to develop prior to experiencing the hot humid "dog days" of summer.

About CVNLA –
For over 50 years, members of the Central Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association have provided for the Greater Richmond Area landscape design and installation workmanship. For details, visit web site www.cvnla.org.

About the Wright Scoop -
As recipient of the "Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic" award sponsored by Hines Horticulture, Project Evergreen and Today’s Garden Center magazine, Wright encourages use of green-scaping concepts: build and maintain healthy soil, install right plant for site requirements; and during seasonal appropriate cycles, be water wise, adopt earth-friendly pest and weed management, implement natural lawn care and install plants during least climate stress conditions.

“The Wright Scoop,” says Washington Gardener magazine reviewer Edna Troiano, “Sylvia Hoehns Wright’s book, From Eco-weak to Eco-chic: landscape green, offers readers guidelines for joining the green revolution in their own yards. Becoming eco-chic, she explains, is primarily a matter of 'working with' instead of against an area’s natural environment,” to create sustainable, eco-friendly landscapes. To read more, link to review - http://blog.thewrightscoop.com/2011/04/28/from-eco-weak-to-eco-chic-landscape-green---book-review.aspx or Sylvia’s Store - http://stores.lulu.com/syhwright.

A consultant, keynote/departmental speaker and workshop instructor, details of Wright’s books are available at Sylvia Wright's Storefront - Lulu.com and activities at web site www.TheWrightScoop.com or follow her activities through facebook group The Wright Scoop or twitter ID WrightScoop. As recipient of the Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic Award, Wright challenges all to "plant more plants" www.plantmoreplants.com , move their life-styles from eco-weak to eco-chic – "green" life’s garden, one scoop at a time!

The Wright Scoop
Sylvia Hoehns Wright