Head Lice Song Released to Lessen the Stigma of Lice

The Lice Song is a new tool for parents, daycare centers and teachers to use to teach young children impacted by head lice a simple lesson: Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing.

Los Angeles, CA, August 25, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Folk & ukulele musician, Aireene Espiritu, partnered with friends at Kazu Agency to create a simple, yet educational song about head lice. The Lice Song was created to encourage dialogue about head lice while easing the stigma associated with it, so cases will be reported early, minimizing the spread of lice outbreaks at schools.

Millions of children are impacted by head lice each year. Having a child sent home from school due to head lice can be stressful not only because parents must check the rest of the family and get rid of all the lice, but because they are embarrassed. Parents are asked to contact anyone who has been in recent close contact with their child such as sports teams, friends and family members. Because many people mistakenly feel that lice is associated with being dirty, they are hesitant to take this important step, resulting in wider infestations.

When approached about creating the song by her contacts at Kazu Agency, a marketing company with extensive head lice industry experience, Aireene quickly agreed. “Young children spend so much time learning rules and social standards. By creating a fun song to reduce the stigma of lice, my hope is that they grow up to be more informed about lice, reduce any embarrassment they may feel if they get it, and not have any desire to tease anyone else for having lice,” says Aireene.

Lyrics for The Lice Song:

If you have lice
If you have lice
Do you have lice
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing

Clean hair, short hair, straight hair, long hair
Brush, hat, helmet you don’t share
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing

Comb and pick all the lice and nits
Stay home ‘til you get every bit
Soon they’ll be gone, you’ll no longer itch
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing


It’s ok, tell your family and friends
You and I, let’s check our heads
As long as we don’t let it spread
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing
Lice happens don’t you worry ‘bout a thing

Using video taken when creating the Is it Lice App, an app developed by Hair Whisperers to assist parents with detecting and identifying lice, The Lice Song has been posted on YouTube. Also available as a MP3 download on Aireene Espiritu’s site eneeria.org.

Preschool and Kindergarten teachers are encouraged to download the free song and talk about it with their students. The Lice Song can open the door to discuss prevention tips, head lice facts, education about lice treatment options and the importance of regular screenings at home and at school.

About Kazu Agency - Kazu is a boutique, integrated marketing company based in Los Angeles, bridging the marketing and technology gap for start-ups, small businesses and established corporations. We help customers identify business and brand strategies they can use to cultivate and reach new goals. Discover how we can help you with your marketing or web needs at www.KazuAgency.com.

Hair Whisperers
Amy Goldreyer