Announces Release of New Seals for Its Members

Plymouth, IN, April 09, 2007 --( "Re-branding is no easy exercise. People think switching around a few design elements is sufficient. There's much more to it. One look and you would know how much hard work has gone into creating these trendier new seals," Bill Peden said during the release of five new logos by for its members.
The seals for basic, gold, platinum, and official members, and even companies who have ranked with topseos have all been redesigned and can be retrieved by clicking on the link within this sentence. Levels of logos correspond with the level of membership a firm enrolls for. Companies who have ranked with topseos can also download a new logo.
"I would sincerely advise newer firms in the industry to at least get the basic membership for free. The more established firms in the industry are aware that displaying these logos on their sites, proposals, or PowerPoint slides is a tremendous value-add and further builds their credibility in front of their potential and existing customers," Bill Peden, added.
Leaders in the internet marketing industry do in fact vouch for the fact that a high level membership with translates into a high level of credibility for the member company. And the biggest names in the industry vie for the higher level of memberships and its corollaries-more reliability, better reputation, and improved business.
Since its beginnings in 2002, has made its mark with its monthly rankings and most recently has taken the industry by a storm with this large scale re-branding exercise.
For further inquiries, contact
The seals for basic, gold, platinum, and official members, and even companies who have ranked with topseos have all been redesigned and can be retrieved by clicking on the link within this sentence. Levels of logos correspond with the level of membership a firm enrolls for. Companies who have ranked with topseos can also download a new logo.
"I would sincerely advise newer firms in the industry to at least get the basic membership for free. The more established firms in the industry are aware that displaying these logos on their sites, proposals, or PowerPoint slides is a tremendous value-add and further builds their credibility in front of their potential and existing customers," Bill Peden, added.
Leaders in the internet marketing industry do in fact vouch for the fact that a high level membership with translates into a high level of credibility for the member company. And the biggest names in the industry vie for the higher level of memberships and its corollaries-more reliability, better reputation, and improved business.
Since its beginnings in 2002, has made its mark with its monthly rankings and most recently has taken the industry by a storm with this large scale re-branding exercise.
For further inquiries, contact
Bill Peden
Bill Peden
