Josh Tolley Sheds a Ray of Hope in "Quit Your Job or Die," a New Book with Unique Opinions and Suggestions for Readers

Josh Tolley brings unique insight timed for this economy by offering witty ideas and advice on how self-employment is a great road to prosperity.

Madison, WI, October 03, 2011 --( Fresh, bold, inspirational new author sheds light on the simple truth with ideas to transform the thinking that keeps traditional 9-5-ers unhappy and without direction to what true prosperity is and can bring. What happens when you spend your entire life working for someone else's new car and dream home just for the same expected paycheck every week? What happens when you really can't find a job and feel there is no means to an end? It is time for the world to hear educated opinions as to why there may be no such thing as job security or why an expensive education does not necessarily lead to prosperity.

Leading Business Trainer and Behavioral Strategist, Josh Tolley, answers these questions with an edgy insight into the "truth" behind true prosperity from his point of view. This impeccably timed and daringly written "guide" for those seeking answers and hope brings innovation ideas to mind.

About the author: Josh Tolley is a behavioral strategist that has recently been voted as one of the top 100 business and personal growth trainers in the world by Business for Home and currently hosts a talk-radio show Genesis Communication Network ( He started his first business at the age of 18 and continues to inspire many by conducting speaking engagements. He is currently working on 3 more inspirational books.

Josh Tolley
Liz McNeil