- Social Networking site for Gujarati Community Launched, to gather all Gujaratis around the globe, to share their views, opinions, get information about their own land - Gujarat and help and find local gujarati communities in their city.
Ahmedabad, India, April 16, 2007 --( It is one of the strangest stories of immigration: rooted to their land, their soil and their animals, they nevertheless boarded ships and left for unknown destinations. Yet for all their struggles and prosperity in far-off lands, it was if the Gujaratis had never left their village, their town or their country, for they transported all that they held dear — their way of life, their extended families, their cuisine and their culture into the New World. You call it having your dhokla — and eating it too!
The Gujaratis comprise a mere 5 percent of the population of India, yet are a force to be reckoned with in the Indian Diaspora, from Africa to the United Kingdom to Canada to the United States. Without a doubt, the Gujaratis constitute the largest ÈmigrÈ group from India.
And, there comes, to gather all Gujaratis around the globe, to share their views, opinions, get information about their own land - Gujarat and help and find local gujarati communities in their city. is the ultimate gujarati community site, which features forums, discussion groups, communities - location-wise, information sharing, polling, and newsgroup.
Here is glimpse of what GujjuWeb holds for you:
For a job seeker, it has Career tips section, Hot Jobs section.
For Businessmen, it has Marketplace section displaying information about various business sector, Small business section displaying information how to grow your business, etc. general tips for small businesses.
People, who just wants to relax and have fun, then it does have Laughtet Bits section, Music section. You can even upload your own audio file and share it.
Young hearts, can even enjoy this site through Dating section and can get information about educationand helping them to get focus on the field they want to enter.
For women and kids also, there is Recipe center and Kid's corner.
Other than just providing information, users can even contribute to the website by writing posts and submitting to the site. They can even upload images along with their information.
Users can even poll on specific given and thereby giving their opinion for specific issue.
It has resource section, which gives links to various sites related to children, web designing, advetising and many more.
All in all, Gujjuweb is a complete entertainment-community website, we can just log on it and spend our time and get all information at one place.
In very short span of its launch, has attracted good number of users. Inviting Gujaratis all over the world to come, to share, to help and to be part of the ultimate Gujarati Community site: Let's build the strong community, one of its kind in the world.
The Gujaratis comprise a mere 5 percent of the population of India, yet are a force to be reckoned with in the Indian Diaspora, from Africa to the United Kingdom to Canada to the United States. Without a doubt, the Gujaratis constitute the largest ÈmigrÈ group from India.
And, there comes, to gather all Gujaratis around the globe, to share their views, opinions, get information about their own land - Gujarat and help and find local gujarati communities in their city. is the ultimate gujarati community site, which features forums, discussion groups, communities - location-wise, information sharing, polling, and newsgroup.
Here is glimpse of what GujjuWeb holds for you:
For a job seeker, it has Career tips section, Hot Jobs section.
For Businessmen, it has Marketplace section displaying information about various business sector, Small business section displaying information how to grow your business, etc. general tips for small businesses.
People, who just wants to relax and have fun, then it does have Laughtet Bits section, Music section. You can even upload your own audio file and share it.
Young hearts, can even enjoy this site through Dating section and can get information about educationand helping them to get focus on the field they want to enter.
For women and kids also, there is Recipe center and Kid's corner.
Other than just providing information, users can even contribute to the website by writing posts and submitting to the site. They can even upload images along with their information.
Users can even poll on specific given and thereby giving their opinion for specific issue.
It has resource section, which gives links to various sites related to children, web designing, advetising and many more.
All in all, Gujjuweb is a complete entertainment-community website, we can just log on it and spend our time and get all information at one place.
In very short span of its launch, has attracted good number of users. Inviting Gujaratis all over the world to come, to share, to help and to be part of the ultimate Gujarati Community site: Let's build the strong community, one of its kind in the world.
Gaurav Panchal
Gaurav Panchal
