A New Tool Aimed at Supercookies

"These files are downloaded into your browser and can remain active for years," said Christine Schiwietz, co-founder of IRM. PrivateAgain is a new tool that will effectively erase cookies from your computer.

Washington, DC, October 14, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Millions of Internet users are becoming aware that small files known as cookies are tracking their moves online. "These files are downloaded into your browser and can remain active for years," said Christine Schiwietz, co-founder of IRM.; The information is being collected, analyzed and profiled by online tracking companies and advertisers. Experts now recommend that you delete your cookies on a regular basis and the Federal Trade Commission has stepped up efforts to look into this issue.

A new and effective tool to erase cookies is called PrivateAgain. “We wanted to make PrivateAgain easy to use and affordable. Now you can remove all your cookies in just two-clicks,” said Christine Schiwietz.

Why Delete Cookies?
Recent headlines point to the growing concern over cookies, “Web Tracking has Become a Privacy Time Bomb” (USA Today) and the Wall Street Journal reported, "Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit... the only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser."

“Like brushing your teeth, you should erase your cookies everyday,” added Schiwietz.

PrivateAgain is available for download to your Windows PC at Download.com or by visiting ReputationInsurance.com

About IRM
International Reputation Management (IRM) began in the fall of 2006 to help people protect their online reputations. A recognized leader in reputation management, IRM also provides public relations and digital marketing solutions for small business owners and several of the world's leading Fortune 500 companies. Learn more at: http://www.ReputationInsurance.com

International Reputation Management
Nino Kader