The Artists' Orchard's Author SBR Martin Finds a New Life in Writing Her Debut Book, "In Wake Of Water"

After losing her only sibling and both parents, SBR Martin deals with grief and loss and finds a new life through her adult fiction writing.

Pittsburgh, PA, October 31, 2011 --( Through fictitious deaths that loosely parallel losses in her own life, Martin confronts various human responses to death. The destructive Id impulses of one main character and apprehensive Super-ego of another represent two parts of the psyche. As the author, Martin functions as the third, the Ego, keeping the other two in check.

What does it mean to be a man or a woman? Where do children and young adults garner their indices of gender? Martin tackles these age-old questions in a new and poignant way, pointing out the absurdity and inconsistency of myths about sex and about the interplay of sex acts and gender identity.

Albert Einstein is rumored to have failed math class as a child, and Richard Simmons was obese before starting his fitness campaign. Often, it's our greatest weaknesses that become our greatest strengths. As someone whose eloquent, well-structured prose stems from an unlikely place, Martin has a unique perspective on triumphing in the face of inadequacy.

"Every writer is first and foremost a reader," Martin reminds her audience. From William Faulkner, John Gardner, and Chuck Palahniuk to Nathaniel Hawthorne and Jean Racine, she cites numerous authors as inspiring her love of literature and shaping her own breakthrough literary form.

Cognizant of the fact that a book is written to be read, Martin writes not only for her audience but to it. She asks the reader direct questions at times and provides analogous insights on how to read her work, as well as the work of others.

The Artists' Orchard, LLC
Sarah Beth Rem Martin