Celesq® AttorneysEd Center Announces New Insurance CLE Series, and November-December CLE Addressing Important Developments in Ethics, IP, Skills and More
Boca Raton, FL, October 31, 2011 --(PR.com)-- With ongoing developments in Ethics, intellectual property and patent law, and the increasing demand for programs in litigation and trial skills in insurance and other areas of the law, Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following CLE web casts for November and December, 2011, including the following:
New Insurance CLE Series
Celesq® announced that it has developed a new series of CLE programs, particularly geared for insurance companies and their in-house counsel, addressing a variety of insurance-related issues. The programs are presented by attorneys from law firms throughout the U.S. who are highly experienced in various areas of insurance law, including property liability coverage, professional liability, product liability and more, and address skills and strategies for investigations, litigation and trial.
Upcoming programs in the insurance CLE Series include the following:
Analyzing and Investigating Insurance Fraud (2159INS)
November 8, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, uses case studies to explore analyzing and investigating potentially fraudulent insurance claims.
Claim File Documentation with an Eye towards Litigation (2160INS)
December 6, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, discusses methods of properly documenting claims files and dealing with the documentation process and the file in the event an insurance coverage or bad faith case is filed.
Reservations of Rights under Insurance Policies (2204INS)
January 24, 2012 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, discusses properly reserving rights, in connection with both property and liability claims, which can have a significant impact on an insurance company’s ultimate obligations.
Additional web casts in November-December 2011
The Ethics of Legal Outsourcing (2156)
December 1, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Steve Bennett, Jones Day, discusses the ethical considerations and best practices involved in the outsourcing of legal activities for all counsel engaged in, or considering, legal outsourcing.
“Horse-Shedding” the Witness: When Does Witness Preparation Cross the Ethical Line? (2158)
December 21, 2011 (4:00 PM ET)
Lou DiLorenzo, Bond, Schoeneck & King, discusses the ethical considerations and restraints involved in witness preparation (“horse-shedding” the witness).
Patentable Subject Matter Post-Bilski, from the Celesq®-West LegalEdcenter IP Master Series (2157IP)
November 10, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Anthony Lo Cicero, Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP, analyzes recent decisions in the Federal Courts on patentable subject matter in the post-Bilski era, seeks to discern a common thread of analysis, and predicts the next Supreme Court decision on the subject in Mayo v. Prometheus.
Capturing the Value of IP in M&A: Best Practices Pre- and Post- Deal for the Corporate and IP Attorney (2154)
December 13, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Jason Haislmaier, Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, presents strategies and practices for identifying and capturing the value of IP in M&A transactions.
Cross Examination at Trial—Picking Your Fights (2147)
November 17, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this edition of their ongoing trial skills series for attorneys with trial experience, Jones Day partners Tom Jackson and Mike Ginsberg discuss techniques for focusing the cross examination to emphasize witness credibility and factual conflicts.
Closing Arguments at Trial—Pulling the Theme Together (2148)
December 15, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this edition of their ongoing trial skills series for attorneys with trial experience, Jones Day partners Tom Jackson and Mike Ginsberg focus on making the story of the trial come alive in the closing arguments.
What Every Lawyer Should Know about Employment Contracts (2155)
December 8, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
A business lawyer, a labor & employment lawyer and an ERISA /Tax lawyer from Foley & Lardner discuss the multitude of factors which must go into a properly drafted employment agreement to avoid future disputes.
Not available for CLE credit: Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use it to Develop Business and Advance Your Career (2153)
November 30, 2011 (1:00 PM ET)
This program, based on presenter Susan Letterman White's book Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use it to Develop Business and Advance Your Career, explains the five components of the Power and Influence Model and how to use them for a successful career.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at btly link to http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
New Insurance CLE Series
Celesq® announced that it has developed a new series of CLE programs, particularly geared for insurance companies and their in-house counsel, addressing a variety of insurance-related issues. The programs are presented by attorneys from law firms throughout the U.S. who are highly experienced in various areas of insurance law, including property liability coverage, professional liability, product liability and more, and address skills and strategies for investigations, litigation and trial.
Upcoming programs in the insurance CLE Series include the following:
Analyzing and Investigating Insurance Fraud (2159INS)
November 8, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, uses case studies to explore analyzing and investigating potentially fraudulent insurance claims.
Claim File Documentation with an Eye towards Litigation (2160INS)
December 6, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, discusses methods of properly documenting claims files and dealing with the documentation process and the file in the event an insurance coverage or bad faith case is filed.
Reservations of Rights under Insurance Policies (2204INS)
January 24, 2012 (12:00 noon ET)
Gene Weisberg, Gladstone Michel Weisberg Willner & Sloane, ALC, discusses properly reserving rights, in connection with both property and liability claims, which can have a significant impact on an insurance company’s ultimate obligations.
Additional web casts in November-December 2011
The Ethics of Legal Outsourcing (2156)
December 1, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Steve Bennett, Jones Day, discusses the ethical considerations and best practices involved in the outsourcing of legal activities for all counsel engaged in, or considering, legal outsourcing.
“Horse-Shedding” the Witness: When Does Witness Preparation Cross the Ethical Line? (2158)
December 21, 2011 (4:00 PM ET)
Lou DiLorenzo, Bond, Schoeneck & King, discusses the ethical considerations and restraints involved in witness preparation (“horse-shedding” the witness).
Patentable Subject Matter Post-Bilski, from the Celesq®-West LegalEdcenter IP Master Series (2157IP)
November 10, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Anthony Lo Cicero, Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP, analyzes recent decisions in the Federal Courts on patentable subject matter in the post-Bilski era, seeks to discern a common thread of analysis, and predicts the next Supreme Court decision on the subject in Mayo v. Prometheus.
Capturing the Value of IP in M&A: Best Practices Pre- and Post- Deal for the Corporate and IP Attorney (2154)
December 13, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
Jason Haislmaier, Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, presents strategies and practices for identifying and capturing the value of IP in M&A transactions.
Cross Examination at Trial—Picking Your Fights (2147)
November 17, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this edition of their ongoing trial skills series for attorneys with trial experience, Jones Day partners Tom Jackson and Mike Ginsberg discuss techniques for focusing the cross examination to emphasize witness credibility and factual conflicts.
Closing Arguments at Trial—Pulling the Theme Together (2148)
December 15, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
In this edition of their ongoing trial skills series for attorneys with trial experience, Jones Day partners Tom Jackson and Mike Ginsberg focus on making the story of the trial come alive in the closing arguments.
What Every Lawyer Should Know about Employment Contracts (2155)
December 8, 2011 (12:00 noon ET)
A business lawyer, a labor & employment lawyer and an ERISA /Tax lawyer from Foley & Lardner discuss the multitude of factors which must go into a properly drafted employment agreement to avoid future disputes.
Not available for CLE credit: Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use it to Develop Business and Advance Your Career (2153)
November 30, 2011 (1:00 PM ET)
This program, based on presenter Susan Letterman White's book Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use it to Develop Business and Advance Your Career, explains the five components of the Power and Influence Model and how to use them for a successful career.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at btly link to http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
