American Association for Affirmative Action Announces 33rd Annual Conference, "Diversity and Affirmative Action: Where Do They Meet"
Outstanding diversity and civil rights professionals meet in Austin, Texas to discuss affirmative action challenges
Austin, TX, April 22, 2007 --( The American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA), an organization of equal employment opportunity (EEO), diversity and affirmative action professionals founded in 1974, announced its 33rd Annual Conference “Diversity and Affirmative Action: Where Do They Meet,” being held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Austin, Texas, April 25-28, 2007. AAAA also hosts its Professional Development and Training Institute on April 23-24, 2007 at the Austin Hyatt. “This is the premier meeting addressing issues of diversity and equal opportunity through affirmative action,” said ReNee Dunman, president of AAAA.
The conference features outstanding diversity and civil rights specialists and offers training on initiatives to bridge the opportunity gaps in the American workplace. Featured speakers include Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX.), Naomi Earp, Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Actor Louis Gossett Jr., Founder of the Eracism Foundation; Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Texas State Senator Royce West, William Means, Co-founder of the International Indian Treaty Council, Luke Visconti, Founder and Partner,, and Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch, Retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired). Higher education leaders Dr. Cynthia Nance, Dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law, Dr. George C. Wright, noted African-American scholar and President of Prairie View A&M University and Dr. Frank Wu, Dean, Wayne State University Law School, will also keynote the conference. “We are excited about the myriad sessions available this year,” said AAAA President ReNee Dunman. “Presenters have been selected carefully to ensure diverse, cutting edge workshops for attendees who include equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity professionals representing every imaginable entity in employment, government, education and the private sector.”
The AAAA 33rd Annual Conference will address the relationship between diversity management and affirmative action in the workplace. “We believe that the success of any diversity initiative depends upon an effective affirmative action program,” said Ms. Dunman. The conferees will also discuss strategies to promote affirmative action in the face of legal and legislative challenges to end it. “AAAA subscribes to the theory that the best defense is a great offense. This conference is filled with opportunities to galvanize and design a proactive nationwide plan to counter our vehement opponents,” said the AAAA president.
2007 marks the 40th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Order 11375, which added gender to the order (11246) that requires federal contractors to have affirmative action programs. Ms. Dunman added, “For that reason we found it fitting to hold this conference in the historic city of Austin, Texas, home of President Lyndon B. Johnson, in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Executive Order 11375, which expressly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. This was a monumental victory for women.”
For more information, go to
Founded in 1974, the American Association for Affirmation Action (AAAA) is a national not-for-profit association of professionals working in the areas of affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity. AAAA helps its members to be more successful and productive in their careers. It also promotes understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic and educational opportunities.
888 16th Street, NW, Suite 800 * Washington, D.C. 20006 *202-349-9855 ex 1857 *
800-252-8952 * Fax: 202-355-1399 *
The conference features outstanding diversity and civil rights specialists and offers training on initiatives to bridge the opportunity gaps in the American workplace. Featured speakers include Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX.), Naomi Earp, Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Actor Louis Gossett Jr., Founder of the Eracism Foundation; Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Texas State Senator Royce West, William Means, Co-founder of the International Indian Treaty Council, Luke Visconti, Founder and Partner,, and Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch, Retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired). Higher education leaders Dr. Cynthia Nance, Dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law, Dr. George C. Wright, noted African-American scholar and President of Prairie View A&M University and Dr. Frank Wu, Dean, Wayne State University Law School, will also keynote the conference. “We are excited about the myriad sessions available this year,” said AAAA President ReNee Dunman. “Presenters have been selected carefully to ensure diverse, cutting edge workshops for attendees who include equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity professionals representing every imaginable entity in employment, government, education and the private sector.”
The AAAA 33rd Annual Conference will address the relationship between diversity management and affirmative action in the workplace. “We believe that the success of any diversity initiative depends upon an effective affirmative action program,” said Ms. Dunman. The conferees will also discuss strategies to promote affirmative action in the face of legal and legislative challenges to end it. “AAAA subscribes to the theory that the best defense is a great offense. This conference is filled with opportunities to galvanize and design a proactive nationwide plan to counter our vehement opponents,” said the AAAA president.
2007 marks the 40th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Order 11375, which added gender to the order (11246) that requires federal contractors to have affirmative action programs. Ms. Dunman added, “For that reason we found it fitting to hold this conference in the historic city of Austin, Texas, home of President Lyndon B. Johnson, in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Executive Order 11375, which expressly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. This was a monumental victory for women.”
For more information, go to
Founded in 1974, the American Association for Affirmation Action (AAAA) is a national not-for-profit association of professionals working in the areas of affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity. AAAA helps its members to be more successful and productive in their careers. It also promotes understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic and educational opportunities.
888 16th Street, NW, Suite 800 * Washington, D.C. 20006 *202-349-9855 ex 1857 *
800-252-8952 * Fax: 202-355-1399 *
American Association for Affirmative Action
Carmen M. Carter
Joyce Pratt - 609.748.0936
Shirley Wilcher - 240.893.9475
Carmen M. Carter
Joyce Pratt - 609.748.0936
Shirley Wilcher - 240.893.9475
