SEO Company, Emineer, Boasts 100% First Page Success Rate

New York based SEO Company Emineer is proud to announce that, since its inception, it has ranked 100% of its clients on the first page of Google for their target keywords. This record is mostly a result of its dedicated staff of SEO experts who have years of combined SEO experience. Emineer is a global leader in local as well as national SEO, and enjoys top rankings in Google for several major SEO-related keywords.

New York, NY, November 05, 2011 --( New York-based SEO company, Emineer, is fast becoming a legitimate contender in the vast SEO arena, and not at the least due to its impressive track record. Since its founding, it has boasted a 100% first page success rate--a record matched by few SEO companies that have been around for an equal length of time.

CEO and founder, Brandon Baker, says it comes as no surprise: "Emineer was never intended to be a 'fly-by-night' type of SEO company. I get calls every day from frustrated business-owners who were scammed in some way or another with a previous SEO firm. Once clients are on board with us, they realize that we do things a lot differently, even from day one."

One of those differences is the level of dedication given to each and every client. To start, all clients are assigned a dedicated account manager. This allows their clients to feel a one-on-one relationship with the company instead of feeling like just a number. Existing clients may contact their respective account managers directly at any time--24/7--and receive a reply within a few hours.

"We knew that we'd get lost in the crowd if we offered the same old-same old. That's never what we were about," says Baker. "We had to go above and beyond what anyone comes to expect out of an SEO company, and to this day we believe we've done that."

On top of the 24/7 support, Emineer offers some of the most competitive rates in the industry. With SEO services starting at $499/month, clients from around the world can get an edge over their competition at minimal cost.

"It's all about ROI," says Baker. "If clients aren't making more than they're spending, they aren't going to stick around for very long. By charging affordable prices, clients stick with us longer because their ROI is greater. It's a win-win."

Emineer is also one of the more well-connected Search Engine Optimization companies around, with partners specializing in web design, coding, conversion, and more. Clients enjoy discounted rates for all of these services as a result of these partnerships, making Emineer a full-fledged internet marketing company, not just an everyday SEO firm. It's these kinds of factors that makes Emineer a force to reckon with in the SEO market in the years to come.

Brandon Baker