Reverse Engineering DNA Art - News from DNA2Art

DNA2Art now enables creating DNA art from already existing DNA test results. Read more about the product innovation and new features in the web store.

Los Angeles, CA, November 09, 2011 --( DNA2Art takes human uniqueness to a whole new level by enabling visualization of one's personal DNA. DNA based art is a great way to show the beauty of your genes.

- As an innovation launched just recently, DNA2Art enables creating DNA art from already existing DNA test results by reverse engineering real-life laboratory testing to deliver authentic DNA art. Besides being a convenient and faster way for receiving personal DNA art (sample taking and analysis steps are skipped), it also grants clients a discount. More information with instructions for inserting data can be found at

The technological platform developed by DNA2Art's bioinformatics team allows clients to use data from industry leading consumer DNA testing companies such as 23andMe, or the use of custom genetic markers. DNA2Art is working with other genetic testing service providers to add them to the platform, as offering DNA art is a great value adding opportunity for customers and companies working with genetics.

- As an introductory offer, DNA2Art has a special price for high-quality print ready digital files when sending in already existing DNA data (just 99 EUR). Click on the Already have DNA data? page on for more information.

- The latest product addition is DNA2Info – providing insights to what the genetic stripes really mean and which genes are displayed on the DNA art masterpiece. It can be ordered as an entertaining add-on to DNA Art.

Ordering DNA Art is easy with the following steps: place an order on the website, receive a DNA collection kit for taking the DNA sample, a secure and certified lab performs the DNA test. Based on the results, an art piece is created by DNA2Art's designer and delivered.

DNA2Art is an innovative team coming up with new ways for visualizing DNA and also trying to have an educational value to it. In case of additional questions, please write to

Madli Merila