Author Susan Dugan Releases New Book of Short Stories Entitled Safe Haven

Author, Susan Dugan, is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Safe Haven. This new collection of short stories mixes history, wit, humor and inspiration.

Author Susan Dugan Releases New Book of Short Stories Entitled Safe Haven
Denver, CO, November 09, 2011 --( New Short Story Collection Mixes History, Wit, Humor and Inspiration

Safe Haven is a new collection of short stories. Each character shares a deep longing and active seeking for an elusive seeming love that will never fail them, and a sense of true meaning and purpose in an ultimately meaningless world. Their quest is our own.

Storylines include:
Awaiting news of her son gone missing during World War II, a mother recalls his childhood victory over polio.

A young woman weighs the promise of John Kennedy's new frontier against the reality of her best friend's breakdown.

A child searches for proof of celestial goodness while lobbying to secure a spot for her family in a neighbor's bomb shelter.

An extramarital affair propels a suburban mother to awaken to true desire on the eve of the Apollo 11 space walk.

The end of an era and an unplanned pregnancy converge on the occasion of John Lennon's murder.

In her wry and wrenching debut collection of linked short stories, Safe Haven, Susan Dugan inhabits the lives of three generations of American women seeking refuge from the harsh realities of their moments in time and finding it at last where they forgot to look; patiently waiting in their own backyards.

“In this beautiful collection of linked stories, Susan Dugan seamlessly braids together the lives of three women in such authentic prose that you feel you are eavesdropping on an actual conversation, privy to the most personal details of the women's lives. I loved these laugh-out-loud funny at times--and heartbreaking at others--stories with a capital L. While reading this book I thought, 'I know these women.' They are my grandmother, my mother, my aunt, my friends, and myself." - Darla Worden, author of Road Shoes and founder of the Left Bank Writers Retreat

"I found Safe Haven brilliantly done and very moving. In vivid language Susan Dugan pours heart and soul into this collection of penetrating stories that illuminate the strength and intelligence of American women. Their stories will linger inside you for a long, long stay." - Ann Creel, author of The Magic of Ordinary Days

Book Information:
Safe Haven
Author: Susan Dugan
Publisher: Karat Publishing
ISBN: 978-0983742005
Pages: 270
Published: November 2011

About The Author
Susan Dugan is a freelance writer writing everything from newspaper and magazine articles to advertising copy, radio scripts, and fiction. Her short stories have appeared in literary magazines including eclectica, JMWW, Carve, RiverSedge, Prosetoad, Amarillo Bay, The Saint Ann's Review, River Oak Review, and Echoes. A collection of her personal essays about practicing the spiritual psychology A Course in Miracles'extraordinary forgiveness in ordinary life, Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness, was published by O-Books in 2011. A Course student and teacher, Dugan chronicles her personal experience with its transformative mind healing in her popular blog:

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Susan Dugan

Safe Haven is available for purchase online from, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Susan Dugan