Factor POP!! a New iOS Math Game Aims to Increase Student Achievement in Math

A math teacher has created a new iOS game “Factor POP!!” to help struggling learners understand and memorize the core math concepts of factors and multiples.

Denver, CO, November 10, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Jared Brzenski, a math teacher from San Diego has created Factor POP!!, a new iPhone/iPad game that draws on knowledge of multiplication and division concepts, while encouraging repeated use through its fun, competitive design.

More than a video game, Factor POP! challenges users to utilize math skills and quick fingers. Players pop buttons that are factors or multiples of their given number. Different speed settings and difficulty allow the game to be used by everyone from elementary to middle school. Recognition of multiples and factors is a key step in performing higher algebraic functions, this game is a must for any elementary or middle school student as Factor POP!! strengthens understanding of factors and multiples through progressively faster and more difficult levels.

“This program reaches out to those students who do not do well with traditional programs. It supports the struggling learners by using fun, kinesthetic response to traditional problems. Through the different speeds, students will increase the rate at which they make calculations, transitioning from calculating to just memorizing what numbers divide into other numbers. They know 126 can be divided by 2. The answer is not as important as recognizing that the division can take place without a remainder,” remarks Jared, explaining why he created the game.

“Factor POP! is designed to help students master fast memorization of multiplication and division facts. This is not a teaching program, but a skills building program. This program is meant to compliment any instruction that is being done in the classroom,” states Cassie L, a teacher at CPMA Middle School.

It features:

-Users unlock levels by showing basic mastery of the previous level through points earned.

-Level performance is ranked using stars so teachers or parents can quickly see how well a user has mastered a particular concept.

-Game tracks how many items were correct, wrong, or missed

For more information, with videos, screenshots and downloads, please visit http://mrbrzenski.blogspot.com/p/factor-pop.html.

About Jared Brzenski
Jared Brzenski has been a math teacher for 10 years, working in East Los Angeles, and San Diego public schools. He is dedicated to pushing learning into the 21st century using online and digital media in a fun, approachable, and meaningful way. To see other iOS apps, or for more about Brzenski Games, please visit http://mrbrzenski.blogspot.com/

Brzenski Game
Jared Brzenski