The New Book, from Dinosaur to Dynamite, the Secret of Joyful Sex, Helps Women Lead a Happy, Healthy, Active, Sexy Life

Atlanta, GA, November 17, 2011 --( From Dinosaur to Dynamite is a practical guide to the food, exercises and mental attitude essential for a happy, healthy and active life including a satisfying sexual relationship.

The book was written to help women who profess not to like sex to discover the wonder and joy of loving sex, including after the menopause.

It is a self help, personal growth and educational book with chapters on health and exercise, attitudes (as a man thinketh he becomes) and a lot of coaching as the author, Patricia Murray-Chute is a life coach, nurse and midwife.

Patricia hopes this book will help dispel some myths and help more women to enjoy their sex life and have a lot of fun doing so.

Sex is like food, no-body dislikes it, if it is good quality, and served in an attractive way.

As Tony Bell (from The Golden Door Health Resort, PE manager) writes in the Afterword "Why should one of life's greatest pleasures fade from our relationships as we age, when it could be the very thing that draws us closer together?"

This wonderfully insightful, and to the point book bridges the gap between couples that often develops in sexual relationships as they age. Whether male or female, young or old, if they want to maintain or even improve an intimate connection with their partner throughout their lives, this book is a must read.

With contributions from Dr A. Torda (an Infectious Diseases Physician), Dr S. Short (a Dental Surgeon), J. Curran The Laughter Lawyer, and Ita Buttrose - famous Australian publisher and author, who received the Order Of Australia, The Harnett Medal and an OBE from the Queen.

Book Information:
From Dinosaur to Dynamite: The Secret of Joyful Sex
Author: Patricia Murray-Chute
Publisher: Strategic Book Group
ISBN: 978-1-60976-568-2
Pages: 188
Published: April 2011

About The Author
An English registered nurse and midwife, Patricia came to Australia in 1971 and was a charge sister at St Vincent's Hospital. She is now happily married to Darryl Chute, a composer/playwright/singer/songwriter, who owns and operates Fountainhead Studios.

She trained as a life coach nine years ago and owns Positive Life Coaching in Randwick. Her experiences as a coach made her realize the lack of information about sex for mature people, and so she decided to write the book to inspire, inform and hopefully entertain.

She has one son who is married, living in Coogee and several step children, and step grandchildren, as her first husband was her senior by 24 yrs.

Patricia still nurses part time in Randwick, is a member of the Cranbrook club of Toastmasters International, and is a regular presenter at Elysia, The Golden Door luxury resort in The Hunter Valley.

She belongs to The NSW Writers Centre and the Australian Society of Authors. Her interests include music, cooking, beach walks and travel. She attributes her good health to eating fresh whole foods, doing yoga and exercising daily. Happiness comes from having a good marriage and enjoying the company of close family and friends, plus an attitude of gratitude.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Patricia Murray-Chute

From Dinosaur to Dynamite is available for purchase online from the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Patricia Murray-Chute