Cartasite Technology Secures Workers Along the US/Mexico Border
Remote field workers utilized simple handheld emergency locator to coordinate response to illegal immigration.
Denver, CO, November 18, 2011 --( On Tuesday evening, oil field workers checking a remote well site along the US / Mexico border encountered a group of twenty eight illegal immigrants. Concerned about safety and the security of the wellsite, the workers utilized a small handheld emergency locator provided by a Colorado company, Cartasite, to alert border control. The EnterpriseSPOT device is not dependent on cellular coverage enabling a remote worker to summon assistance or emergency responders virtually anywhere on the planet. The information provided by Cartasite’s EnterpriseSPOT enabled the authorities to efficiently respond and ultimately to intercept the 28 illegal immigrants. Cartasite’s EnterpriseSPOT product operates as a global emergency beacon and has become an essential tool for keeping remote workers safe worldwide.
In an extraordinary example of public/private partnership, the company who owned the well had equipped onsite employees with Cartasite’s Enterprise SPOT earlier in the year. As a result of a coordinated effort with federal authorities, one of the buttons on the device was pre-configured to alert Border Patrol, instantly transmitting the exact location of a field worker. There are thousands of oil field workers managing wells along the US/Mexico border. The Cartasite technology has the potential to dramatically augment the monitoring and security of our borders by federal authorities.
The lack of cellular service in the area inhibited the workers from using their phones to make an emergency call. The workers believed their safety and that of the immigrants was in jeopardy, as well as potentially the security of the well. The Border Control alert button on their SPOT devices were pushed, immediately sending a notification to border patrol as well as their employer about the scenario. Border Patrol responded quickly to the distress call made by the workers resulting in the detention of twenty eight illegal immigrants.
Cartasite, a Colorado Corporation, was formed in 2004 with the goal of delivering practical technology solutions that enhance safety, security, and operating efficiency for corporations worldwide. Cartasite’s customers rely on the company’s realtime monitoring systems to produce results that impact their bottom line, save lives, and protect their assets.
In addition to securing assets and ensuring the safety of remote workers, Cartasite is spearheading a revolution in vehicle operations that will make our highways safer, reduce fuel consumption, and lessen transportation's impact on the environment.
In an extraordinary example of public/private partnership, the company who owned the well had equipped onsite employees with Cartasite’s Enterprise SPOT earlier in the year. As a result of a coordinated effort with federal authorities, one of the buttons on the device was pre-configured to alert Border Patrol, instantly transmitting the exact location of a field worker. There are thousands of oil field workers managing wells along the US/Mexico border. The Cartasite technology has the potential to dramatically augment the monitoring and security of our borders by federal authorities.
The lack of cellular service in the area inhibited the workers from using their phones to make an emergency call. The workers believed their safety and that of the immigrants was in jeopardy, as well as potentially the security of the well. The Border Control alert button on their SPOT devices were pushed, immediately sending a notification to border patrol as well as their employer about the scenario. Border Patrol responded quickly to the distress call made by the workers resulting in the detention of twenty eight illegal immigrants.
Cartasite, a Colorado Corporation, was formed in 2004 with the goal of delivering practical technology solutions that enhance safety, security, and operating efficiency for corporations worldwide. Cartasite’s customers rely on the company’s realtime monitoring systems to produce results that impact their bottom line, save lives, and protect their assets.
In addition to securing assets and ensuring the safety of remote workers, Cartasite is spearheading a revolution in vehicle operations that will make our highways safer, reduce fuel consumption, and lessen transportation's impact on the environment.
Lindsay Mayhall
Lindsay Mayhall
