Lynn Merrin Announces the Release of Her New Book, How to Have More Confidence in Your Life

Australian author, Lynn Merrin is pleased to announce her new book, How to Have More Confidence In Your Life. How to Have More Confidence In Your Life is the first of four volumes in the series of How To Have More In Your Life books from author Lynn Merrin.

Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2011 --( New Book Shows Teens How To Have More Confidence In Their Lives

How to Have More Confidence In Your Life is the first of four volumes in the series of How To Have More In Your Life books from author Lynn Merrin.

This volume takes the teenage and young adult reader on a journey of consideration beyond the physical, expanding the conscious mind and impressing the subconscious with daily affirmations and visualization.

Complete with verses, the book is an indispensable daily guide for teens to creating more confidence in their life.

Book Information:
How To Have More Confidence In Your Life
Author: Lynn Merrin
Publisher: Strategic Book Group
ISBN: 978-1609760526
Pages: 60
Published: February 2011

About The Author
Lynn Merrin is a natural therapist with 26 years experience and studies in natural therapies, vibrational therapies, psychotherapy, NLP and metaphysics. A mother of two, Lynn has traveled extensively and enjoys living on the Peninsular in Sydney Australia. 10% of all sales of books is dedicated to supporting those in need.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Lynn Merrin

How To Have More Confidence In Your Life is available for purchase online from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Lynn Merrin