Brian Hannan & Mark Hurley Soon to Release "Electronic Water Distribution System O&M Log"

Brian Hannan & Mark Hurley are near completion of their "Electronic Water Distribution System O&M Log." It is the first program that meets the State of Florida's requirements for security and accountability of a public water utility.

Tallahassee, FL, November 25, 2011 --( Utility software development company Brian Hannan & Mark Hurley is near completion of their "Electronic Water Distribution System O&M Log." This program is the first event logging program that meets The State of Florida's rigid requirements for security and accountability of a public water utility that takes field actions that could affect water quality. Accurate records are important in the event citizens get sick due to tainted water so investigators can track down the source of contamination.

The suppliers of water in Florida have been required to follow the guidelines for event logging in F.A.C. 62-602.650 (5) since May 1, 2011 and face stiff penalties and fines for noncompliance.

The Electronic Water Distribution System O&M Log features encrypted passwords, inability to delete records, and backup to USB or email. In addition, it comes with free remote installation, an intuitive easy-to-use interface, and no annual license fees. Interested parties can view a demo video and pre-order a copy at

Brian Hannan & Mark Hurley