The Real Truth About Bullying – Bully-ed to Boss Breakthrough Program is Released. The Truth Has to be Revealed Before We Lose Anymore Children

“Enough is Enough!” says Marty L Ward, The No BS Coach. “Ten year olds committing suicide like Ashlyn Conner because of bullying? The truth must be revealed now before we lose anymore children to the threat of being bullied.” Students, parents, teachers, coaches, mentors can find answers to The Real Truth About Bullying at

Melbourne, FL, November 23, 2011 --( The Real Truth About Bullying? Ward says, “The bully is the person who is hurting the most. Whether it be the senior who trips the freshman carrying the flute or the coach who bullies the injured football star to humiliate him to get back out onto the field.”

Ward created the Bully-ed to Boss Breakthrough Program to teach step by step skills of how to turn the Bully and Bully-ed’s feelings of Insecurity and Not Good Enough into secure and confident feelings of who they are. This trailblazing program teaches simple, straight-forward steps that de-escalate Bullying and build self-esteem. It gives administrators and teachers a system to create an atmosphere of co-operation and effective communication so that classrooms, hallways, playgrounds, bus rides, walks to school, the gym and the athletic field become places where children feel safe to grow and learn rather than places filled with fearful challenges to dodge or passively endure.

This is the first program of its kind that focuses on teaching the Bully and the Bully-ed where to find their real power – in their Talents, Abilities, and Gifts and how to manage their emotions in the moment. They learn how to transform anger and overwhelm into constructive actions that supports their feeling of self-worth rather than covering up their feeling of Never Going to Make It, with aggressive action and demeaning others or by withdrawing and self-destructive behavior.

Ward encourages everyone to, “TAG Yourself TM for Success.” She says, “As students value who they are by honoring their Talents, Abilities and Gifts and managing their emotions, they learn to resolve their own disputes and to make lasting friendships...In this atmosphere,” Ward commented, “we all know that grades can’t help but improve and children will be healthier and happier.”

About Marty L Ward, The No BS Coach. She is an author, speaker, trainer and business coach. Marty’s passion for teaching children to value who they are and to know they are competent and capable no matter what anyone says or does to them, stems from her many years as teacher and a School Based Social Worker who established Student Mentoring and Alternative Activities to Reduce Drug Use Programs for high school students. She designed special sailing programs for emotionally and mentally challenged teens as part of her sailing school, Shearwater Cruises and Sailing School, Inc.

To implement the Bully-ed to Boss Breakthrough Program, or for training, speaking contact Marty at,, 321-848-4997. Personal Development Coaching is available for Parents and Students as well as Business Coaching.

Marty L Ward