New York Show Business Professional Shares Stories from His Italian-American Upbringing in His New Book

Author, Vincent Romeo is pleased to announce the release of his new book, Behind The Store. With his mother's favorite Italian recipes included, Behind the Store shares the stories of one man's life journey from a boy who longed for his father's love and appreciation to a man who honors his Italian American heritage.

New York, NY, November 30, 2011 --( Behind The Store: Stories of a First-Generation Italian American Childhood.

For the Romeo family of Cleveland, Ohio, in the 1950s, the kitchen table was the heart of the house. Not only was it the altar on which Mrs. Romeo served simple and healthy Italian food, but it had seen and heard everything. In his memoir, Behind the Store, author Vincent Romeo narrates the stories of his life, many of which revolved around the family's kitchen table.

Romeo shares his childhood experiences that centered on his relationships with his mother, father, and sister; their grocery store; and their Mount Pleasant neighborhood. The memories are at times lively and poignant and at other times painful. While remaining true to the typical Italian American experience, with his mother's food as the family's focal point, Romeo recounts his struggle to become his authentic self, despite an abusive family member.

With his mother's favorite Italian recipes included, Behind the Store shares the stories of one man's life journey from a boy who longed for his father's love and appreciation to a man who honors his Italian American heritage.

Book Information:
Behind the Store
Stories of a First-Generation Italian American Childhood
Author: Vincent Romeo
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-4620-0219-1 (sc)
978-1-4620-0220-7 (hc)
Pages: 219
Published: July 2011

About The Author
Vincent Romeo has worked in all areas of show business: Broadway, off-Broadway, regional theaters, daytime and evening television dramas, and movies. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, he is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University's drama department and studied privately with Lee Strasberg in New York City, where he now lives.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Vincent Romeo

Behind The Store is available for purchase online from the author's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Vincent Romeo
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