Advertise on the Web for Less than $1 per Day; Buy an Ad Get Two Months Free is a place for anyone to advertise their labor service, in any city or multiple city in the country and the world. A place for the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker

Tampa, FL, April 30, 2007 --( How many times have you wracked your brain trying to find someone to perform a service in your home or office? Friends’ leads don’t materialize; the yellow pages are a bust and the white pages seem interminable. Yes, you could search the Internet but how much time will that take?

Along comes to take all the guesswork out of finding that special “something” or “someone” to answer your needs. Laborsearcher does all the legwork for you and puts you in direct contact with the person(s) who can help take care of your need.

Laborsearcher Founder Laura Bunsa said, “Years ago it used to be “let your fingers do the walking” and they were talking about the phone book for one city. Now you can let your fingers and your mouse do the walking all in one place even if it’s 2:00 in the morning.”

Bunsa continues, “I am a home owner, and over the years have spent hours and hours looking for someone to do some sort of maintenance around my home. You can’t find the little guy in the yellow pages, and 9 times out of ten you can’t find him in the white pages either. I want everyone to have an equal opportunity to get what they need, and hopefully save money in the process.” provides the ideal place for service people and small businesses to connect with customers. Laborsearcher gets your name and business and services “out there” to multiple cities 7 days a week, 365 days a year, without fail.

It’s far more affordable to advertise on than to advertise in traditional promotional outlets on a continual basis also. Advertiser cost is only $30 per month or $300 per year. Laborsearcher offers multiple services. It posts your business card and/or labor service, forwards any inquiries to your personal e-mail account if you choose, or mails hardcopy inquiries to you and lists your service in more than one town or city. If the area where you want it listed is not on the website, Laborsearcher will add it. It also notifies customers when you will be out of town or unavailable and any specific hours that you prefer to be contacted. You can have up to three pictures posted on the site. If you change your phone number, address and/or skill base, Laborsearcher will change your listing for you at no additional charge. In other words, whatever information you want your prospective customers to know, Laborsearcher will tell them.

Payments can be made on-line by credit card through PayPal or you can also mail them to at 1307 3rd Street, Wausau WI 54403 or 369 5th Street NW, Largo FL 33770. will not sell any customer information. It does not recommend anyone. Advertisers work out specific details with prospective customers or services. Laborsearcher reserves the right to refuse listings of any services that are misleading or that are deemed inappropriate.

Let Laborsearcher get your name and service out there, while you concentrate on your business.

For information: log onto

Laura Bunsa
369 5th St NW, Largo FL 33770
Web site:

Laura Bunsa