More Than 60 Minutes Explains the Science Behind the Alarming Increase in Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Global Warming

Author, T.S. Niazi, is pleased to announce the promotion of his book, More Than 60 Minutes: When Earth Stands Still. More Than 60 Minutes sets out to inform the general public why and how the extreme amount of geological occurrences are happening today and if global warming fits into the equation.

Washington, DC, December 09, 2011 --( More Than 60 Minutes sets out to inform the general public why and how the extreme amount of geological occurrences are happening today and if global warming fits into the equation.

The book connects the alarming increase in the number of Earthquakes and Volcanoes in recent years, the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field, the direct relation between the Thermosphere layer and the Temperature Belts, the melting/ rebuilding of the Ice Caps, the shifting of Temperature Belts and the increase of average global temperature. It proves that global warming is not anthropogenic. It explains the role that the Inner and Outer Cores of our planet play in fixing the speed of Earth rotation about its axis, and moves back though history and geology records to establish cycle of repetition where different and interconnected changes gradually developed and took the planet by surprise. The research anticipates changes at the global precipitation map and recommends strategies along selected industries such as Agriculture, Energy and Infrastructure; to minimize the impact and to come better prepared for the immediate future.

The book answers:

Why Earthquakes, above 6 Richter, have increased “tenfold” since 2003?
What makes the Earth to spin about its axis?
Why it slows down at times and speeds up at other times?
What is the relation between the strength of the magnetic field and Earth’s surface temperature?
Why are the Ice Caps melting?
Are the Temperature Belts tilting from their current latitudes?
Are the Earth’s geo-layers spherical or oblate?
How come the cycle of severe climate change is 3,500 years?
How did it influence human development in the past?
How can Quantum Physics help us understand and leverage the Universe Energy and Knowledge around us?
And much, much more.

More Than 60 Minutes: When Earth Stands Still is available from stores worldwide.

Book Information:
More Than 60 Minutes: When Earth Stands Still
Author: T.S. Niazi
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781439257913
Pages: 136
Published: December 2009

About The Author
Tarek S. Niazi holds a Bachelor degree and a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science respectively. He worked at IBM for twenty-five years in various positions. As an entrepreneur, he established and ran investment, consulting, and project integration services companies. Niazi’s interests run the gamut from geology to history, astronomy to theology, and most of the sciences, including physics. His global travels have given him a deep appreciation for the mosaic of life and culture on Earth.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the authors at:

Tarek S. Niazi

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

More Than 60 Minutes is available for purchase online from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Author, T.S. Niazi