Unite or Die Again! in Freedom, CA

Unite or Die Again! in Freedom, CA
Freedom, CA, January 18, 2012 --(PR.com)-- "America has reached a critical stage in it’s evolution...or devolution as most would agree."

"Every label reads made in China, or India, Guatemala, etc. Once thriving, economically sound industrial cities are going bankrupt and closing down. An educated, and fully experienced employee, who finally gets the boot because the company can no longer keep their loyal workers, will be lucky to find a job, any job, in a year to two."

"'Among the objective truths of history and the demands of contemporary problem resolution,” are the words of Edmund Burke, when he observed that “those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.'”

There is a new organization, and they have something to say. They are Unite or Die Again! They have adopted the “Join or Die” deconstructed snake flag created by Benjamin Franklin, and redesigned it to reflect the America that could be. The true America, the United America. This is a short quote from their website.

“We’re a non-partisan amorphous group of voters who share certain values and beliefs and are vehemently opposed to others. In terms of our shared values, we believe in limited government, checks and balances, the individual as the final arbiter of value in society, Federalism, the Constitution, the rule of law and Bill of Rights, the free market and personal responsibility.

“We are opposed to collectivism, centralized planning, coercion, lack of accountability, opaqueness, arbitrariness and unchecked power of government. We are opposed to the subterfuge, pretense and duplicity all too common to politics in general.”

This group is striving to bring America back to the foundation of our fore fathers. A foundation built from the ground up, to create a republic...a nation of liberty and freedom. A nation that was the most powerful and coveted around the world. To learn more about Unite or Die Again! please link to their website www.uniteordieagain.com, or their blog www.uniteordieagain.blogspot.com.
all comments are the opinion of Unite or Die Again!

Untie or Die Again!
Jim Rummonds