Focuses on Artisanal Products & Traditions Worldwide is the project of a chef and journalist. The webzine seeks to tell a different story - that of food as the common denominator for life everywhere and a gateway into humanity, history and culture.

New York, NY, May 06, 2007 --( is not limited in its coverage to one country, region, or food. Featured articles range from stories about traditional preserves in Bosnia to the modern cuisine of Eritrea, rustic cooking in Umbria, to seasonal foods in Germany. also seeks to inform the conversation about biodiversity and sustainability with particular emphasis on artisanal producers, local cultures, and endangered foods and preparations. Additionally, through the use of multimedia - videos and photo galleries - hopes to serve as a bridge connecting these stories from around the globe in a more interrelated world.

The webzine was started by Michael DeGeronimo, a chef with nearly 20 years experience, and historian/ turned journalist Angela Boskovitch. DeGeronimo has cooked at restaurants in the USA, Germany, and Italy. He has appeared on televised cooking programs and has been a guest chef at various benefit events. Angela Boskovitch received degrees in History and Political Science from a US university before embarking on a career in international journalism. She has written freelance about topics ranging from politics and immigration in Europe to history and culture. also organizes private and group tours to producers of traditional cuisine in the lesser traveled regions of central and southern Italy and Germany.

Angela Boskovitch