Does Your Child Kow Where Afghanistan Is? Do You?

Now your child can learn US and World geography--where states, countries, oceans and continents are--with fun map puzzles, free from Owl & Mouse, right on the Web. Just go to

Berkeley, CA, May 06, 2007 --( American students don’t know where places are in the world. Now you can help your child or student learn vital geography, right on the Web with Owl & Mouse free map puzzles.

How will American students know where the news is coming from? The National Geographic—Roper Public Affairs 2006 Geographic Literacy Survey said that 75% of young adults could not find Indonesia on a map, despite widespread coverage of the tsunami. Nearly 9 in 10 could not find Afghanistan on a map of Asia, and half or fewer could find New York or Ohio. The same National Geographic—Roper Public Affairs study identified the Internet as an “important tool for improving geographic knowledge and understanding”.

The free map puzzles from Owl and Mouse have helped teach basic geography to tens of thousands of student, parents, teachers--and businesspeople suddenly dealing with a foreign country. Now they are available right on the web—no download, no installation, no registration, no waiting. One woman told us she used the map puzzles to study for the State Department test. (She got the job).

“Kids love maps and puzzles,” says Jerome Taylor, of Owl & Mouse Educational Software (who has a graduate degree in Geography from UC Berkeley). “Our free software combines them to move geography away from rote memorization.”

“The map puzzles grew out of our efforts to use the computer to teach our own children. Physical puzzles were expensive, and the kids tended to lose the small pieces under the couch. Our kids were fascinated by our computers, but their capabilities weren’t being utilized. Using a computer allows learning to be interactive and fun.” Kids learn the countries of the world, US states and their capitals, and Canadian provinces.

Parents also find the map puzzles an intriguing challenge—and fun. And remember, if you’re a Baby Boomer, the world—especially Europe—isn’t what it used to be. Geography is spatial—so it makes sense to learn it spatially. Knowing WHERE a country is helps you to know WHAT it is—climate, culture, international relations.

So to help your kids know where they are, and where they might want to go, get Owl & Mouse map puzzles on your computer screen, and start putting Turkmenistan where it belongs.

To access the map puzzles,


Jerome Taylor—parent, geographer, and software designer
Owl & Mouse Educational Software
Margaret Taylor