New Book Offers Groundbreaking Theory Unifying Antimatter and Human Souls

Ardiana Cohn is proud to announce the release of her new book, “The Truth.” This new work discusses research and commentary on the divine spark, antimatter and rules that govern equilibrium in the universe.

New York, NY, January 01, 2012 --( New Book Offers Groundbreaking Theory Unifying Antimatter And Human Souls.

Ardiana Cohn is proud to announce the release of her new book, “The Truth.” This new work discusses research and commentary on the divine spark, antimatter and rules that govern equilibrium in the universe.

“The Truth” by Ardiana Cohn offers a new hypothesis for the existence of antimatter, the corresponding negative to all matter in the universe, arguing that it is related to and in fact proves the existence of souls in human beings.

According to Cohn, the antimatter that scientists have speculated about for generations has not in fact disappeared but instead exists among humans and is even increasing. Contending that matter and antimatter must remain in equilibrium in order for the continued existence of the universe, she then offers a series of findings in an effort to explain how that equilibrium is maintained.

Blending sociology and scientific evidence, Cohn offers 12 laws of antimatter including the laws of resistance, tension, acceleration, karma, appreciation and more. Cohn emphasizes, throughout the book, that the 12 laws create a new common ground where all different theories unify.

“The fact that we cannot detect the antimatter yet does not prove that it does not exist,” Cohn says. “This book offers other ways to prove its existence by looking at the effects of antimatter in our daily life and derive logical conclusions.”

Cohn explains that all humans receive messages at a certain time in their lives but they either ignore them or continue to consider them as their own thoughts and their own discoveries. Based on this logic she then recognizes that the messages contained in this book must have come from another source and describes herself as the interpreter.

She goes on to note that based on the logic, formulas and the laws introduced in this book, humans are the cause of the instability in their lives, natural disasters and even sometimes death. She points out that many times God is wrongfully blamed, but by reading this book, the reader will understand that it is no one else’s fault but their own, and the way they live and continue to live their lives.

Finally, she contends that by recognizing the 12 laws people can stop their negative effects and use them to their benefits. She hopes that readers will examine the book carefully and consider its claims with an open mind.

Book Information:
The Truth: In Search of Antimatter
Author: Ardiana Cohn
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1463508609
Pages: 352
Published: December 2011

About The Author
Ardiana Cohn is a life coach, college teacher and author. She has a variety of interests like mathematics, science, human behavior, astrology, astronomy, and ancient philosophy.

She has written different articles for the online newspaper She loves traveling and meeting new people. Ardiana is a wife and a dedicated mother of three. Ardiana is very grateful to God for everything in her life especially for her three amazing children.

Ardiana wrote her books in the field of self-discovery and spirituality, with hope that it will bring a higher level of awareness to the fact that a Universal Intelligence called God exists, and that humans behave in a certain way in particular moments because of 12 natural laws of antimatter and above all that destinies are carefully thought and written by God.

Messages in these two books are not hard to comprehend. Her modest background in science and math makes it even easier to introduce these messages in a way that they will be understood and grasped by most people.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Ardiana Cohn

The Truth: In Search of Antimatter is available for purchase online from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Other books by Ardiana Cohn:

The Secret Beyond the Secret
Publisher: Create Space
ISBN: 978-1461006893
Pages: 280
Published: September 2011

Author, Ardiana Cohn
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