Local Author and College Professor Dr. Daniel Cillis to Appear on Good Day New Mexico, Jan. 6th to Talk About Centennial and What Might Have Been
Dr. Daniel R. Cillis, college professor, author and part-time New Mexico resident will appear on KOB’s Good Day New Mexico Friday, January 6th 2012, 11am (MST) - just in time to celebrate New Mexico’s Centennial. Talk show host Irene Estrada will interview Dr. Cillis about his new novel, Statehood of Affairs, a story about New Mexico’s journey to statehood set in 1911 as told through the eyes of lovers with ties to opposite sides of the border. Available online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

As New Mexico's Centennial nears, there's nothing like a good political adventure about what might have been!
Filled with mystery, murder, mayhem, and of course, many love affairs, the story takes place in the majestic landscape of the Land of Enchantment--from Chaco Canyon, to the Sandia Mountains, to Bernalillo County and the fictitious nearby town of "Valtura." Statehood of Affairs is a must-read for anyone with a love of the 47th state of the Union.
In the novel, a secret document, hidden in Chaco Canyon some 50 years earlier, places the U.S. and Mexico on a collision course toward war. The main character, A. Centori, negotiates danger while embroiled in the mysteries surrounding the conspiracy. Affairs of the heart complicate affairs of state. And, sibling rivalry descends into felonious criminal behavior.
Statehood of Affairs is available online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. It is also available at Treasure House Books and Gifts in Albuquerque, Collected Works in Santa Fe and The Range Cafe Gift Shop in Bernalillo.
About the Author -- Dr. Daniel R. Cillis is a professor at Molloy College in New York where he teaches behavioral science for business. In 2010, Molloy MBA students presented him with the Faculty Recognition Award. He has also taught at Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus and the University of New Mexico. Dr. Cillis received his Ph.D. from New York University and has written and published academic articles on management behavior and leadership. He is a U.S. Army veteran and divides his time between New York and New Mexico. This is his first novel. More information is available at statehoodofaffairs.com.
Nancy Maffucci

Local Author/College Prof to Appear on Good Day New Mexico
Dr. Daniel R. Cillis, college professor, author and part-time New Mexico resident will appear on Good Day New Mexico Friday, January 6th 2012, 11am - just in time to celebrate New Mexico’s Centennial. Talk show host Irene Estrada will interview Dr. Cillis about his new novel.