Moms Communicate with Mom Blogs

Torrance, CA, January 06, 2012 --( More and more moms are using an advanced method to share their successes and anguish about parenting without having to live close to each other or be acquaintances. Mom blogs such as, inexperienced moms and dads share suggestions and recommendation with other inexperienced moms and dads, especially about caring for their newborns and toddlers. The mom blog aims chiefly at the moms and dads who are new to parenting, and it makes it less difficult for the newbie parents to help and share anxieties and specific methods that have worked in their family.

Mom blogs like is a new way to hash over the matters of raising a baby and young children. The new mom blog,, is created by Kate Kim, an inexperienced mom, and through it, Kim shares all the matters that she experienced with her baby boy.

When asked why is different from others, Kim says that this blog is provides tips and information written not from baby professionals who tend to give ambiguous tips and impractical advice. But in, real moms with actual experiences contribute to the conversation about the trials and errors of being an inexperienced parent and raising a baby. Also, Kates Baby Blog is arranged in topics so that the other moms can post comments about the specific discussed in the posting.

"It was pretty intimidating for me when I had my son, because he is my first child," Kate Kim, the author of the blog says. "So I attempted to find a good informative site with real mothers who share actual life problems and solutions. If you’ve tried it, you know there isn’t a solid one. Many mom blog websites were geared toward amusement, and some sites were too personal. There were a lot where pediatricians were writing about the issues of parenting, but the advice I found there was too nebulous for me to grasp and it really didn’t help me much." Kim claims with a proud smile, "That’s when I knew that I had to create one myself."

When asked why Kim created,"For me, is not really for me to rant about the woes and joys of raising my son Ray," Kim says. "It's really for inexperienced moms and dads to come for sound recommendation about real issues that come up. I want it to be full of dead-on information from experienced mothers and dads all over."

Many new parents claim that it can be very isolating to be alone and companionless with the baby who is totally dependent on them. Because of this humongous weight of new parental responsibility, depression rate is on the rise for inexperienced moms. New mothers and dads specifically go through a period of battling with edginess, anxiety, and sleep deprivation because parenting is a new, unfamiliar area for them. Before the ages of mom blogging, inexperienced parents had to utterly rely on self-help books and the doctors to find solution to the problems they were having while raising their baby. In recent times, however, various mom blogs have become popular, and so, they have shortened the distance between inexperienced parents. Mom blogs have shown to be very helpful in alleviating the feeling of isolation among new parents and forming a sense of companionship. Because mom blogs like www.KatesBabyBlog give a sense of shared experience, readers are less likely to feel desolate and fall into depression. Additionally, because moms share the problems they have in their blogs, other moms get the sense that that the child-rearing issues they are going through are not special to them.

Kates Baby Blog
Kate Kim