Relaxation Used to Enhance Performance in School and Sports

A high school coach and a college coach have used relaxation to help improve their teams performance. The English teacher who came in to relax the athletes uses the same techniques on her students to improve their state FCAT scores. She created the relaxation CD, "Journey To Ease Test Stress" so others could learn to relax their way to better performance.

Boca Raton, FL, May 10, 2007 --( When the High School Swim Team was facing the State Finals, the coach called on an unlikely source to give the athletes a boost – an English teacher. He had heard how she uses relaxation to help her student improve their performance on Florida’s standardized FCAT exams, and decided to try it on his team before a stressful, important meet. It worked, and the athletes performed beyond expectations.

When the softball coach at Florida Atlantic University heard about the High School’s success, he called on the English teacher for his team, and again, by reducing stress the team played better and played way over their heads.

Many parents found out about this amazing concept to relax your way to higher performance, and asked the English teacher to help their children improve their test scores. Finally, the English teacher recorded her session and created the relaxation CD, “Journey To Ease Test Stress” (

This innovative CD helps students unwind before tests, athletic events, or any other stressful situation so that they can reduce stress and perform better. Michelle, a student at Boca High School was over-stressed about the SAT exam, and was so upset she drove to the teacher’s home to pick up the first copy of the CD. It relaxed her so much, she fell asleep before the CD even ended, and slept through the night. Her test results the next day were excellent.

Government studies have shown that that reducing stress can increase Math Scores by 35%, and improve Reading Scores by 14%, and that is why the relaxation CD, “Journey To Ease Test Stress” was recorded. (

The government studies proved that by eliminating stress, you can improve focus, recall, reasoning, and deduction. In other words, less stress helps make you perform better and score higher. This can be applied to academic testing as well as athletic events.

For more information about the “Journey To Ease Test Stress” relaxation CD log-on to or call Michael Dugan at ETS Solutions, a company dedicated to the study of helping students reduce stress and improve performance on important tests including Standardized State tests, ACT, SAT, GMAT, graduate boards, midterms, and final exams.

ETS Solutions
Michael Dugan
800 282 3216