Veracity with Tenacity: VVV Public Relations Firm Offers Guerrilla Marketing Revelations to Take Down Corrupt Competitors by Telling the Truth
In marketing, perception is reality. And in mainstream media, much of what we see is not real, and much of what is real we don't see. Where market share is based on market deception, VVV PR can counter with "perception correction."
Miami, FL, January 18, 2012 --( George Orwell wrote that "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." That very much describes the value proposition of VVV Public Relations (VVV PR), a Miami Florida-based startup online PR firm whose stated mission is to "... apply veracity with tenacity to vanquish the opponents and advance the agendas of the business clients we serve and the social causes we champion." The "VVV" acronym is short for Veritas Virtual Vengeance, a reference to their new website which is also accessible via
A product of our turbulent times, VVV PR was founded by veteran online guerrilla marketing consultant and human rights cyberactivist Bruce Arnold, known to many as "IronBoltBruce." Since last September 17 - the first day of Occupy Wall Street and the global revolutionary movement it has inspired - he and his associates have been providing OWS protesters and supporters with a steady stream of well-researched and referenced exposés disclosing and detailing the who, what, where, when, why and how of dozens of examples of the corporate greed and political corruption - in a word, kleptocracy - that now fuels the fires of discontent expressed by an ever-increasing number of concerned citizens from all parts of the political spectrum. With VVV PR, this social entrepreneur and guerrilla activism enabler now offers that potent base of resources and expertise to businesses, co-ops, collectives and other organizations, movements and groups committed to "doing well by doing good" that would stand to benefit from a truth-telling takedown of corporate competitors engaging in illegal, immoral or unethical activities.
"In theory, free market capitalism is supposed to be a level playing field where informed and willing buyers and sellers succeed or fail based on the profits or losses resulting from their revenues earned and expenses incurred," IronBoltBruce observed. "But in practice, what we have is crony capitalism: Global corporations pay lobbyists and politicians to write the rules in their favor if they can, and simply defy the rules if they can't. And although our courts say corporations are 'persons,' they can treat settlements and penalties for criminal conduct as costs of doing business with no concerns about incarceration or execution to deter illegal actions. In addition, through their puppet politicians they can ghost-write laws that give them subsidies [a.k.a. corporate welfare], tax breaks, and the ability to externalize pollution and other social costs. And if despite all those advantages they still lose money, our corporate-controlled government will grant them 'too big to fail' status and give them a key to the U.S. Treasury. Would you call that a level playing field?"
VVV PR thinks not. And they're out to level that field for their clients by using truth-based "perception correction" to alter the buying habits and improve the decisions of consumers misled about products and their producers by mainstream media, subliminal advertising and other forms of "perception deception." For example:
- If you knew that the FDA has declared Cheerios "is not generally recognized as safe and effective for use in preventing or treating hypercholesterolemia or coronary heart disease" [], would you still buy it for your family as a "heart-healthy" breakfast alternative?
- If you knew that according to Ruppert Murdock's News Corp - parent of Fox News - gave Barack Obama over $380,000 in donations, would you view the endless acrimony between the White House and Fox's pundits as serious or staged []?
- If you knew that according to NPR.prg and other sources, the CDC Director that approved it was then hired by the company that makes it, would you give your children the questionable Merck vaccine Gardasil []?
- If you knew that according to investigative journalist Edwin Black they willingly assisted Hitler's Nazi Germany with rounding up the Jews during the Holocaust, would you still do business with IBM []?
VVV PR thinks not. And from their base at they stand ready to deploy an innovative mix of "White Hat Black PR" alternatives to expose terrible truths like these on behalf of business clients who are willing and socio-political causes that are deserving. Follow them on Twitter @vvvpr.
A product of our turbulent times, VVV PR was founded by veteran online guerrilla marketing consultant and human rights cyberactivist Bruce Arnold, known to many as "IronBoltBruce." Since last September 17 - the first day of Occupy Wall Street and the global revolutionary movement it has inspired - he and his associates have been providing OWS protesters and supporters with a steady stream of well-researched and referenced exposés disclosing and detailing the who, what, where, when, why and how of dozens of examples of the corporate greed and political corruption - in a word, kleptocracy - that now fuels the fires of discontent expressed by an ever-increasing number of concerned citizens from all parts of the political spectrum. With VVV PR, this social entrepreneur and guerrilla activism enabler now offers that potent base of resources and expertise to businesses, co-ops, collectives and other organizations, movements and groups committed to "doing well by doing good" that would stand to benefit from a truth-telling takedown of corporate competitors engaging in illegal, immoral or unethical activities.
"In theory, free market capitalism is supposed to be a level playing field where informed and willing buyers and sellers succeed or fail based on the profits or losses resulting from their revenues earned and expenses incurred," IronBoltBruce observed. "But in practice, what we have is crony capitalism: Global corporations pay lobbyists and politicians to write the rules in their favor if they can, and simply defy the rules if they can't. And although our courts say corporations are 'persons,' they can treat settlements and penalties for criminal conduct as costs of doing business with no concerns about incarceration or execution to deter illegal actions. In addition, through their puppet politicians they can ghost-write laws that give them subsidies [a.k.a. corporate welfare], tax breaks, and the ability to externalize pollution and other social costs. And if despite all those advantages they still lose money, our corporate-controlled government will grant them 'too big to fail' status and give them a key to the U.S. Treasury. Would you call that a level playing field?"
VVV PR thinks not. And they're out to level that field for their clients by using truth-based "perception correction" to alter the buying habits and improve the decisions of consumers misled about products and their producers by mainstream media, subliminal advertising and other forms of "perception deception." For example:
- If you knew that the FDA has declared Cheerios "is not generally recognized as safe and effective for use in preventing or treating hypercholesterolemia or coronary heart disease" [], would you still buy it for your family as a "heart-healthy" breakfast alternative?
- If you knew that according to Ruppert Murdock's News Corp - parent of Fox News - gave Barack Obama over $380,000 in donations, would you view the endless acrimony between the White House and Fox's pundits as serious or staged []?
- If you knew that according to NPR.prg and other sources, the CDC Director that approved it was then hired by the company that makes it, would you give your children the questionable Merck vaccine Gardasil []?
- If you knew that according to investigative journalist Edwin Black they willingly assisted Hitler's Nazi Germany with rounding up the Jews during the Holocaust, would you still do business with IBM []?
VVV PR thinks not. And from their base at they stand ready to deploy an innovative mix of "White Hat Black PR" alternatives to expose terrible truths like these on behalf of business clients who are willing and socio-political causes that are deserving. Follow them on Twitter @vvvpr.
VVV Public Relations
Bruce Arnold
Twitter: @vvvpr | Reddit: vvvpr
Bruce Arnold
Twitter: @vvvpr | Reddit: vvvpr
