2012 Social Media Outlook Webinar Series Slated to Begin in First Quarter

Denver, CO, January 18, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Colorado-area marketers can start their social media efforts on the right foot in 2012, thanks to a new webinar series being presented by Sallie Burnett, President of Customer Insight Group, a leading strategic marketing consulting firm that helps companies engage, keep and grow profitable customer relationships.

“Social media is all the buzz right now, but it can cause as much anxiety as it does excitement for marketers who are hesitant to dive into this rapidly growing medium,” explains Burnett. The three-part series is designed to walk marketers and businesses through current social media trends, show how to get executive buy-in to integrate social media into your overall marketing plan, and how to plan and amplify your social media strategy.

The webinar series includes:
Part I: Social Media Outlook 2012; on February 16 at 12:00pm MST
Part II: First Things First, Executive Buy-In and Key Tactics for Social Media Success; March 15 at 12:00pm MST
Part III: What Today’s Marketer’s Must Know to Maximize Results of Social Media; April 12 at 12:00pm MST

To register for Part I go to: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/dwitimxbhabb

This timely webinar series is perfect for the small- to medium-sized business that has yet to embrace social media, but wants to understand how it can benefit their business objectives. “For the company that knows deep down that they can’t ignore social media anymore, and they want to do it right from the beginning — this webinar series will answer the bulk of their questions and get them going in the right direction,” says Burnett.

Customer Insight Group has a unique background grounded in years of expertise in forging customer relationships through loyalty programs and strategic marketing. As social media has come on the scene, Customer Insight Group has been at the forefront of harnessing the power of social media and integrating it into a company’s big picture marketing strategy.

About Customer Insight Group Inc.
Customer Insight Group is a leading strategic marketing consulting firm that helps companies engage, keep and grow profitable customer relationships. Their expertise lies in helping companies assess and improve customer strategy to achieve measurable business objectives. Services include: social media customer engagement programs, comprehensive loyalty audits and innovative loyalty programs. Visit www.customerinsightgroup.com for more information.

Customer Insight Group
Mary Shaw