's Eric Snyder Offers His Coaching in Interviewing Skills

Eric Snyder, human resources expert and interview skills coach, understands what it takes to get that first big job. He helps college seniors and graduates preparing for a job interview by sharing perspective from the “other side of the desk.”

Los Angeles, CA, May 10, 2007 --( By teaching self-reliance, confidence and "what to do" during an all-important job interview, Snyder provides the transitional step between college and career.

“You can’t leave interviewing up to chance, you have to prepare,” Snyder says. “The first impression is the most critical. A decision is usually made in the first five minutes. If you have made a favorable impression, it can be easier from there. But making a professional first impression takes practice.”

His eight-step winning strategy - from what to say in a voice mail to how to choose the best “hire me” clothes - prepares the way to make the best first impression.

“Don’t carry a briefcase,” warns Snyder. “Be unencumbered. Maintain eye contact when you speak. You engage people when you make eye contact. If you look away or not at them, they will follow where your eyes go and both of you will lose focus.”

Every statement you make is about marketing yourself so being gracious to the receptionist is important. Rudeness reaches back to management.

His intuitive training method includes eight hours of intensive, one-on-one sessions over two days and approximately two hours of follow-up coaching calls. The two half-day private sessions are usually held over a weekend.

Included in the interview coaching session are mock interviews, interviewing tips, question and answer review and videotaping, as well as how to write a resume and cover letter that stand out.

With offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Snyder travels the country coaching college seniors, graduates and those who have been interviewing without results. Eric Snyder is available for media queries about the interview process.

For more information, contact Eric Snyder, by phone at (415) 793-5292 or via

Eric Snyder