The Skeptic’s God By Arthur F. Garcia, Jr. is a Work That Explores Science, History, Philosophy, and Religion

Author, Arthur F. Garcia, Jr.’s is pleased to announce his book, A Skeptic's God. This is an academic critique of the Bible, religion and the conventional perceptions of God.

New York, NY, January 22, 2012 --( The book essentially explores questions such as:

Can a rational basis for the existence of God be found?
Can people live moral lives and socially constructive lives without religion or a belief in God?
Has history provided moral and ethical role models who were not particularly religious?
What beliefs are worthy of acceptance as knowledge?

“A Skeptic’s God by Arthur F. Garcia, Jr. is thought provoking, well-written, well-researched and a scholarly look at the basis of religion. The book explores scientific reasoning, as well as philosophical beliefs, behind religion. Readers and experts who are interested in philosophy, history, or religion will truly enjoy and take something away from this book. The author obviously put a lot of time, effort, work, and passion into A Skeptic’s God. Highly Recommended! ” - GetBookReviews

The book is also receiving rave reviews from readers.

A Skeptic’s God is available for sale online from the publisher, and other online channels. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

About the Author
Arthur F. Garcia, Jr. is an amateur historian who has spent five years researching the history of the Bible and the arguments for and against the existence of God for this book.

Book Information:

A Skeptic’s God
Author: Arthur F. Garcia, Jr.
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1452876139
Pages: 366
Published: March 2011

Media Contact:
Arthur F. Garcia, Jr., Author

Author, Arthur F. Garcia, Jr.