Real Challenges of IT Security Uncovered and Explained in New White Paper

IT Departments Struggling with Limited Resources and Increasing Threats Can Find a Simpler Way to Defend Against Increasing Threats to IT in 2012, and Beyond

New York, NY, January 27, 2012 --( A new white paper outlining the true threats faced by IT administrators and CTOs has become available for free download at the leading IT security resource site, Tech Security Today, and can be accessed here:

The free white paper explains that the only thing between IT and the next major security breach is a thin line of IT administrators. The paper addresses how to shore up IT security defenses requires new approaches to systems and security management that rely heavily on IT automation to give organizations a fighting chance.

Strengthening the Thin IT Security Line, developed by the IT security resource Tech Security Today (, reveals the inner most truth about what IT security administrators and CTOs are facing today on the security front, and what they will need to do going forward to ensure the security of the company they work for, and in a very real manner, their own job security.

This vital white paper is required reading for any company interested in protecting their data and the operations of their IT systems. And unlike most white papers, it addresses a concept called layered defense, at a level that small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) can understand and invest in within their budgetary means.

The most common example of a layered defense is the use of anti-virus software on endpoint devices coupled with firewalls deployed at the edge of the network. While most IT security professionals would recommend more layers of security, many SMB organizations face the challenge of not having the skills or resources available to manage anything more complicated than basic antivirus and malware protection. But at any organizational level, the IT environment is getting more difficult to manage with each passing day with the addition of more virtual machines running application workloads that all need to be secured. The fact is most IT organizations can’t keep up with existing requirements for patching applications – each new application workload that gets added to the environment simply exacerbates the problem even more. And that’s just one example brought out in this new white paper that not just addresses the challenges, but instructs on how to solve them.

It can be downloaded free at

About Tech Security Today ( Tech Security Today is committed to providing insights and actionable recommendations to help small-to-medium businesses cost-effectively maintain security. To achieve that goal we have invited a number of notable bloggers and industry experts steeped in security knowledge to share their thoughts on best practices for setting security policies to prevent issues from occurring in the first place and then how best to remediate breaches once they occur.

Our bloggers are committed to helping IT organizations navigate thorny security issues with timely reports and advice on how to mitigate security threats, while at the same time keeping them abreast of changing security regulations and compliance requirements. As part of that effort, we look forward to creating a dialogue between our bloggers and readers that will be mutually beneficial to all concerned about preserving IT security.

Tech Security Today
Dan Neel