California Author Announces His Historical Fiction Novel Set in the 19th Century

Author, Alfred Buschek is pleased to announce his book, Elisabeth, Empress of Austria. Elisabeth, nicknamed Sissi, was the Princess Diana of her time. The historic tale of the most famous Empress in Europe comes alive in Elisabeth, Empress of Austria.

Newport Coast, CA, January 27, 2012 --( She was married at seventeen, betrayed by her mother-in-law, and forced to live behind castle walls. Torn from her homeland and the man she loved, the deeply saddened Elisabeth is pushed into a brutal world by her husband's neglect and his affair. She makes adjustments in her life as a woman and as an Empress in order to survive. The allure of sensual pleasures will constantly test the young Empress. As the years pass, sorrow leaves its mark upon the aging Elisabeth. She becomes a legend, wounded by passion and love affairs.

Book Information:
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria
Author: Alfred Buschek
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
ISBN: 978-0741458995
Pages: 300
Published: April 2010

About The Author
Alfred Buschek was born in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria before traveling to America. He lives in Newport Beach, California. He has written eight Novels. He also serves in the Civil Air Patrol as a Lt Col for the last twenty-one years. Alfred traveled to numerous castles of Elisabeth's to gather information to bring this novel to life.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Alfred Buschek

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria is available for purchase online from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Other Books By Alfred Buschek:
When Love Prevails
Paperback: 277 pages
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
ISBN: 978-0741445841

No God On Duty
Paperback: 317 pages
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
ISBN: 978-0741430816

Author, Alfred Buschek