"A Work Day Without a Plan is Like Driving Across the Country Without a Map" Says Sales Experts

One of a kind sales activity tracking system is now available online.

Fairfield, CT, January 29, 2012 --(PR.com)-- The Connecticut-based team believes that most people strive to work harder, but fail to actually work smarter.

After years of research and immersion in the world of corporate sales, two savvy entrepreneurs believe that they have identified the problem holding many Americans back from increasing their sales.

Jason Hyde and partner Tim Kwait believe that, while many strive to work harder during their day, they fail to actually work smarter.

“Both myself and Tim have many years of both sales and business experience. After keeping our ears to the floor and diligently watching how people work we noticed that most people have the best intentions in their approach to their work day, but they actually fail in their efforts due to lack of planning,” he says.

Spurred on by the results they discovered, Jason and Tim set out to create a new Sales Activity Tracking System, designed by salespeople to help them improve their business. The result became the hugely popular website – Roadmaptosales.com.

The site can help anyone remain focused and organized throughout their workday – thereby improving sales ability.

“The concept behind roadmaptosales.com was outlined on a napkin by my first mentor in business. Over the years, I fine-tuned the idea, which has helped me to be successful throughout my career. I’ve shared the concept with other colleagues and it has helped them too. So we thought it was time to share it with the world and help more sales people,” says Hyde.

The site claims to be the only system that gives salespeople the tools to manage their sales activity, processes and physical sales.

“Essentially, it ensures that you always know what you need to be doing in order to be successful, while not replacing your current valuable tools. In fact, it nicely compliments any calendar, day planner or CRM program,” Hyde adds.

By entering their desired gross income, the site will create a specific plan to empower the user to reach their goals. Including such data as when to call, email and follow up with clients – it’s the perfect way for any professional to stay on top of their demands.

The system can be found online at: http://www.roadmaptosales.com



Jason Hyde – Founder
Email: info@roadmaptosales.com
Tel: +1 (203) 209-5920
Road Map to Sales
Jason Hyde