New Book Brings to Life the Real Inspiration in the Haitian Community and Culture

Author, Shannon Enete is pleased to announce her book, Teeth Not Tears. This new work is a testimony to the human spirit. It is a biography depicting the lives of two Haitian brothers whose love is sure to change people.

San Diego, CA, February 02, 2012 --( The Thaylord brothers place a face to the situation in Haiti, then spur inspiration through their optimistic outlook on life. Teeth Not Tears offers the world a glimpse into the lives of two Haitians as they provide an exemplary example of love, optimism, and courage.

Shannon Enete authored "Teeth Not Tears" after her life changing medical volunteer experience in Haiti. She saw that there were many books regarding Haiti told from an outsider's view, but none told from the Haitian perspective.

As Shannon bid a tearful farewell to her new Haitian friends, Jean Fournes Thaylord placed his hand on her shoulder, and wearing a huge grin, proclaimed, “Shannon, Teeth Not Tears!”

This is one of many positive messages that will live on through readers. Hence the conception of "Teeth Not Tears;" in order to share with the world the strength and resilience found in the Haitian spirit. Shannon is donating 10% of book proceeds to raise funds for the Thaylord brothers college education.

Book Information:
Teeth Not Tears
Author: Shannon Enete
Publisher: Enete Enterprises
ISBN: 978-1461046752
Pages: 146
Published: July

About The Author
Shannon served others locally and internationally as a Paramedic for just over a decade. She was also a volunteer in the aftermath of the earthquake devastation in Haiti. After a back injury, she switched gears becoming an accomplished author, and owner and editor of Enete Enterprises, a Publishing and Author Services company.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Shannon Enete

Teeth Not Tears is available for purchase online through the author’s website,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Shannon Enete