Manufacturing Co. Wants You to Think About Snow This Summer
Summer may seem like a strange time to start thinking about winter, however, if we start planning now, the difficult weather conditions that winter presents will be much easier to cope with.
Vancouver, Canada, May 16, 2007 --( Spring has finally arrived, and with it, the warm weather we’ve all been waiting for. Meanwhile, local company Xynyth Manufacturing Corp. is urging sales people, retailers and distributors across North America to start thinking about snow. Seem counter-intuitive? It is. But if we all plan early and plan well, next winter won’t be so damaging to our environment or our pocket books.
Winter brings lots of wonderful images to mind: tobogganing with friends, sitting round a fire, hot cocoa and bright lights. It also brings images, however, of harsh weather and dangerous conditions. In order to make moving around during winter a bit easier, people have traditionally used salt on roads and sidewalks to melt snow and provide traction. Frighteningly, however, even though salt comes from the earth, and even though it’s been used for years for this purpose, salt in this quantity is incredibly bad for the environment. It kills plant-life, seriously affects soil composition, gets into waterways and pickles aquatic life. Cosmetically, salt ruins concrete sidewalks and steps and wreaks havoc on landscaping. It puts real pressure on pocketbooks as well, as the subsequent maintenance costs of continuous salt use are excessive.
Xynyth Manufacturing Corp. has been in the icemelt business for over 20 years. They know a thing or two about melting snow – and they have a solution to salt that many North Americans are already using faithfully: GroundWorks Natural Icemelter is a fertilizer-based icemelter that works better than salt, but causes none of the damage. In fact, it actually works to repair some of the damage caused by years of salt use. Price-wise, GroundWorks is slightly more expensive, however Xynyth has learned that savvy customers will pay a few more pennies upfront to avoid extreme maintenance costs later on. “And the health of environment,” says a Xynyth team member, “is worth a few extra pennies too, I think.”
Xynyth’s corporate head office is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, however they manufacture, warehouse and ship all over Canada and the United States. Their products, including GroundWorks, are available at major retailers such as Home Depot, Rona, Home Hardware and Wal-mart, or through a wide variety of commercial distributors. For more information about Xynyth, see their website at
Winter brings lots of wonderful images to mind: tobogganing with friends, sitting round a fire, hot cocoa and bright lights. It also brings images, however, of harsh weather and dangerous conditions. In order to make moving around during winter a bit easier, people have traditionally used salt on roads and sidewalks to melt snow and provide traction. Frighteningly, however, even though salt comes from the earth, and even though it’s been used for years for this purpose, salt in this quantity is incredibly bad for the environment. It kills plant-life, seriously affects soil composition, gets into waterways and pickles aquatic life. Cosmetically, salt ruins concrete sidewalks and steps and wreaks havoc on landscaping. It puts real pressure on pocketbooks as well, as the subsequent maintenance costs of continuous salt use are excessive.
Xynyth Manufacturing Corp. has been in the icemelt business for over 20 years. They know a thing or two about melting snow – and they have a solution to salt that many North Americans are already using faithfully: GroundWorks Natural Icemelter is a fertilizer-based icemelter that works better than salt, but causes none of the damage. In fact, it actually works to repair some of the damage caused by years of salt use. Price-wise, GroundWorks is slightly more expensive, however Xynyth has learned that savvy customers will pay a few more pennies upfront to avoid extreme maintenance costs later on. “And the health of environment,” says a Xynyth team member, “is worth a few extra pennies too, I think.”
Xynyth’s corporate head office is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, however they manufacture, warehouse and ship all over Canada and the United States. Their products, including GroundWorks, are available at major retailers such as Home Depot, Rona, Home Hardware and Wal-mart, or through a wide variety of commercial distributors. For more information about Xynyth, see their website at
XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp.
A. Grondahl
A. Grondahl
