Irreverent New Book Shows Business Owners & Executives How to Thrive in Changing Times

Front Line Heroes: How to Battle the Business Tsunami by Developing Performance Oriented Cultures by Bruce Hodes is now available.

Oak Park, IL, February 14, 2012 --( In his new book, management consultant and teambuilding expert, Bruce Hodes shows business owners how to grow despite the tsunami of recent economic events with strategies for execution management, business planning and building a high performance culture.

As a business owner himself and having worked for his family's company in his formative years, Bruce shares stories and best practices resulting from his work with clients over three decades. Each tale enlightens business owners with the steps necessary to implement positive, sustainable change that leads to increased revenue generation, employee engagement and profitability.

Most business books talk about what other companies did to succeed and not about how to do it. Front Line Heroes is not only all about the "How" but also bold, cheeky and accessible. This book's chapters include, "Posters, Plaques, and Horse Manure," "Stop the Past & Start the Future" and "Why Stoopid Games?"

According to author Bruce Hodes, "In the face of the business tsunami we're in—meaning the financial calamity of 2008 and subsequent recession--it's hard to acquire credit and customers. Businesses and organizations are faced with doing more with less or going out of business." Hodes asserts that if your business lacks a performance-oriented culture, and you do nothing to change that your business conditions will worsen and degenerate.

"I wrote the book because I've acquired knowledge and developed tools that can make a big difference in improving the performance of organizations, business owners and executive leadership teams. This book is a good way to reach more people than we do in our practice at CMI," reflected Bruce. "My favorite chapter: the Lucky Sperm & Egg Club is about taking the family out of family business."

According to Corey Michael Blake, founder of the book's publisher Writers of the Round Table Press, "For those in the business of leading people and growing companies, Front Line Heroes is a must read; the kind of book that has you jotting down notes in the margin to put into action. Bruce's depth of wisdom comes shining through, as does his quirky sense of humor. Any business owner, entrepreneur or manager would be well served by reading this book."

Front Line Heroes: How to Battle the Business Tsunami by Developing Performance Oriented Cultures carries a cover price of $14.95 for the paperback version and is available at all online retail sites including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Powell’s. The digital version is priced between $6.95 and $9.95 for use with Kindle, Nook and iBooks. Autographed copies are available on the CMI website:

About the Author

Since working for his family's boating business to founding his company CMI (Crusading, Marauding Interveners), Bruce Hodes has dedicated himself to helping companies grow by developing executive leadership teams, business leaders and managers into powerful performers. Bruce’s adaptable Breakthrough Strategic Business Planning methodology is specifically designed for small-to-mid-sized companies and is especially valuable for family company challenges. With a background in psychotherapy, Hodes also has an MBA from Northwestern University and a Masters in Clinical Social Work. Front Line Heroes: How to Battle the Business Tsunami by Developing Performance Oriented Cultures is Bruce's first book.

Sean Parnell
(800) 883-7995